Revised: Nov 23, 2023

What changes would we see if world peace occurred today?  What changes would occur in our country, our city, our neighborhood, our home?  What changes would occur in you?  Imagine our world at peace.

God gives us darkness so we appreciate light.  God also gives us light so we appreciate darkness.

Is the same true for peace.  Do we have the absence of peace so we appreciate peace when it occurs?  Will we be grateful once we experience world peace?

What would such a world be like?  While we’ve known strife, we’ve never witnessed the euphoria of world peace.  The thought alone is exhilarating.

Are you excited about the idea of world peace? Are you prepared for a world overflowing with happiness, unity, and boundless positive emotions for all? Would you like to be a part of making it a reality? Have you ever glimpsed world peace in your lifetime? Neither have we, nor anyone else on this planet. Yet, the vision remains vivid, and the journey is worth embarking upon.

Change is on the horizon, but it might not take the form you anticipate.  Reflect on what, in your view, must evolve to birth world peace.

What is world peace?  Humans have numerous definitions of what world peace means to them.  However, according to God, evidence of having achieved world peace would mean we would be living in a world where the following two statements are true. 

1. The basic needs of everyone are met, guaranteed.

2. Everyone has the opportunity to go higher, guaranteed. 

Accomplish these two things and we will have world peace.

Is this what you heard or learned or knew was needed to attain world peace?

This definition of world peace surprised me.  It may surprise you too.  But it came from God and God is truth.

God talks to all of us.  We all talk to God.  We all engage with the divine in our own unique ways, crafting our individual interpretations of what or who God is.  When one receives a thought out of the blue and it is not heard with our ears but it arrives just the same, is that not communicating?  For many, it’s more than just talking or listening; it’s a multifaceted communion, personal or spiritual connection with a higher power, deity, or the divine.

Over the course of history, a staggering 117 billion human beings have inhabited our planet, none of whom have ushered in world peace. As of October 2023, the world’s population is over 8 billion people. The question looms large: Will these 8 billion souls succeed in bringing about world peace?

Q: What changes would occur if world peace started tomorrow?

A: Everyone’s basic needs would be met, guaranteed!

Human beings have certain basic needs. We must have food, water, air, and shelterto survive. If any one of these basic needs is not met, then humans cannot survive.

We would guarantee that no one would go hungry on earth.  Compare that to today where 1 dies every 6 seconds, 10 die each minute, 25,000 die each day and 9 million die each year of hunger or malnutrition.

We would guarantee that everyone on earth would enjoy clean drinking water. Compare that to now where every day more than 800 children under five years of age die from diarrhea caused by dirty water and 2.2 billion people do not have access to clean water at home.

We would guarantee that everybody on earth would have adequate shelter.  Compare that to now where over a billion people live with substandard living conditions.

We would guarantee that everybody would have access to essential health services.  Compare that to today when half the world lacks access to essential health services and 100 million people are pushed into extreme poverty because of health expenses.

Notice that each of the basic needs are not just met but guaranteed.

Are we going to achieve world peace quicker,

  • By changing what we’ve been doing?


  • By changing what we’ve been thinking?

Many people believe that if we change what we are doing then we will have world peace.  Stop wars and we will have world peace.  Stop fighting each other and we will have peace.  Everybody getting along will create world peace.  Being nice to others.

We understand the world’s present state—marked by conflict and turmoil. But the potential of a peaceful world is uncharted territory, filled with thrilling possibilities.  What if we have attracted this into our lives, by living with anger, blame, shame, greed, rage and other fear-based emotions.  This has given us all that experience so that we will strive to attract more of the opposite into our lives such as love, joy, peace, unity, harmony and oneness.

Are you enthusiastic about the prospect of world peace? Can you fathom a world where everyone coexists harmoniously, exuding joy and positivity? Would you do your part in manifesting this vision?

Get ready for a change. It might not be a change you expected, but the change is needed.

We know what it’s like when there’s no peace. We’re living that. But we’ve never experienced the good feeling of world peace. What do you think it would be like? It’s exciting to imagine, isn’t it?

We know what it’s like without world peace because we’re living it now. Nobody knows what peace feels like because we haven’t had it. But everyone wants it, even if we don’t know exactly what that looks like.

We are now experiencing the opposite of peace. Might this be so that we will appreciate how great peace would be when we create it?

Many have talked about world peace. Many have written and sang about it.  Many have fought for it.

The observable truth is that what we’ve been doing is not working.  We need a new solution.  If the right solution had been used before, we’d have world peace now.  What we’ve been doing for a long time hasn’t served us well.  We need to try something new.

Who can we go to and ask what the true solution to world peace is?  For thousands of years and with billions of people sharing their solutions we have not succeeded.

If you are one of the many who say world peace is impossible, are you saying you are refusing to try to help?

What would motivate you to help make world peace happen?  How would you feel if world peace happened and you knew that you didn’t help make it happen?

Are you here on earth to help create world peace?  Is that not one of the reasons you were put on earth?  Is it your main goal?  If not, shouldn’t it be? What in your life is more important than world peace?

The chaos we are currently experiencing on earth allows all of us to observe that the world is about as far from peace as it’s ever been.  That’s good. Here’s why! For us to fully appreciate the experience of world peace, we need to experience the absence of it, such as the chaos we are experiencing now.   In other words, we are experiencing the bad so that we’ll appreciate the good when we experience that.

Everybody wants peace, but not everyone knows what it would look like. Some just know . . . they want it . . . and they want it now! Do you want to help make it happen? What would you be willing to do for it?

Our world is feeling bad while we wait for peace to happen.  How many of us were brought into this world to wait for peace?  I believe we are all here to create peace . . . not just wait for it.  How much better would everyone feel if they were creating world peace instead of waiting for it.  We wait in desperation while we could be creating in inspiration.

We don’t want to just sit around waiting for peace to happen. We’re here to make it happen. How great would it be if we could all work together to create world peace instead of just hoping for it?

We know the absence of world peace. It has become our normal.

Nothing is more stimulating to humans than the prospect of peace.

If given the choice, I believe humans would vote for peace. That is, if a vote is all that was needed.  Would those same humans vote for world peace if they knew what was needed from each of them to make world peace happen?  Would you?

Draw a picture in your mind of what a peace filled world would look like. But here’s the thing, no one really knows what it would look like, so we get to imagine it. What would you put in your picture of a peaceful world?

No human knows what world peace will be like and yet every human wants it, instinctually. Many don’t care what peace will look like or what peace will be like; they just simply want it. And they want it now!

Do you want to be part of the generation that finally makes world peace happen? What would you be willing to do or to give up to experience world peace in your lifetime? If world peace was a certainty, what would you be willing to sacrifice to attain it? How important is it to you, your loved ones, your country and your world?

If you haven’t dreamt about world peace or about making it happen, maybe you haven’t been dreaming big enough. One thing is certain. When you dream about making world peace happen, you are not dreaming too small. Making world peace happen would be a monumental accomplishment for all of us.

Sound impossible? It did for me. That is, until I found out what it will take. I’ve moved from impossible to not just possible but probable. This is my sharing that shift with you.

Prepare for lots of change. But don’t be too surprised if it’s not the change you expected. Think about all of the changes you believe are needed to make world peace happen. Then, while reading this plan, notice how your thoughts are in or out of alignment with what you read.  Remember that what we’ve been doing has not and is not working.  We can change in very enjoyable ways to make it happen.  It’s about making enjoyable changes to create world peace.

You’ve taken the first step toward being a part of something really big – making the world a peaceful and happy place for everyone. It’s going to be an amazing journey!

Let’s work together to make world peace a reality. It’s a big dream, but it’s not too big. Creating world peace will be a huge accomplishment for all of us.

You know, it might have seemed impossible at first, but when we know what to do, it becomes possible. You’ve started on a path to becoming a peacemaker.  

Being grateful attracts to us whatever we are grateful for.  So, be grateful for having world peace be on its way to us.