Revised: Nov 23, 2023

The purpose of this Peace Preserve website is to Pre-Serve the world peace plan into your hands.  We are in the pre-world-peace era. is serving the peace plan to you to provide you with the opportunity to participate in reaching our goal of experiencing world peace. 

Today’s reality is that not everyone on earth has Internet access or cell tower access.  However, using the web and cell towers to spread this plan to as many as possible also results in spreading the plan around the globe.  As new participants learn this plan they too join in with spreading the word to those not connected by technology.  Just as the first cell of your body split into two, then those two split into four, doubling each time, so too will this plan spread around the world.

While it is important to spread the word to those without web access, it is equally important to increasingly spread the word to all of your contacts using this technology.  Suggest to your contacts that they also spread the word.  This is, as Gary Vee would say, word-of-mouth on steroids.  This will lead to the mass consciousness shift explained in the plan.

Expect many to receive this plan while they are living in fear.  World peace will provide freedom.  Freedom is not pure while fear is present.  This peace plan will provide the path to replacing fear with love as a free will choice.  As world peace is a consciousness shift, it is an internal shift not viewable or knowable by those around you.  That is, of course, unless you choose to share the plan with those around you.

The world peace plan continues to grow.  Each question answered gives rise to more questions.  This is the nature of ask and you shall receive while communicating with God.  I doubt this will quit even after world peace has been achieved.

Language barriers exist.  Your help is requested.  With the arrival of artificial intelligence (AI) and language translation software one would expect translation to be a breeze.  In the case of the world peace plan they both fall short.  Neither AI or software have a soul, or feelings, or a mind, or a body to experience feelings in.  Translation attempts have proven to be inaccurate in these areas and these areas are of supreme importance in this plan.

Those instrument of peace participants of this plan who are fluent in another language can help solve this problem.  Our plan is to provide those of another language a path to read and learn the plan in their native language.  This is a large and ever changing undertaking on this site.  Be patient but also vigilant as sharing your ideas may very well result in a better site.

This amazing world peace plan includes:

Answers as to what is required to attain and maintain world peace.

  • The basic needs of everyone are met, guaranteed.
  • Everyone has the opportunity to go higher, guaranteed. 

Changes participants will likely choose to:

  • Experience a change in consciousness.
  • Develop a new way of thinking.
  • Ask and you shall receive.
  • Remember who we really are, mind, body and soul.
  • Get to know and love our wondrously magnificent human body.
  • Follow their life plan, guided by their soul and the feelings sent to them.
  • Change their minds by filling them with love.
  • Creating experiences on purpose.
  • Think by choice vs thinking by chance.
  • Doing what is natural vs doing what is normal.
  • Learn to breathe with purpose.
  • Be in gratitude.
  • Be love.
  • . . . more

This Peace Plan may be understood best by reading the articles in the numbered order as they are presented.  Nothing is stopping you from reading the articles out of order but by reading them in the numbered order you will likely gain understanding in a planned order.  This order felt good during its assembly.  Choose the order of articles you read based on what feels right for you.

Please note that we have dated each article on the website, purposely.  As you track the date that you read an article you can later return to see if that article has been updated since you read it last.  With so many participants listening and receiving answers from God pertaining to world peace, additions and enhancements will likely occur often.   

Our plan allows for you, an instrument of peace, to participate with your thoughts and ideas.  Newsletters will serve to increase your availability of current information.  Encourage others to sign up and become part of this ongoing shift.

Freedom is not pure with the presence of fear.  Allow your free will to decide if you want to participate in this plan or not.  If you choose to participate, allow the plan to assist you in replacing fear with love in your life.  Become love.  Become free.

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