Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Today, did you ask God more questions or did you ask people more questions?

It’s likely your normal is to ask more questions of others than of God.  It is, however, in your nature to ask more questions of God than from others. 

When normally doing something becomes naturally doing something, you will be asking questions of the source that best serves you.  Many more humans could be asking questions of God and be assured of honest answers.

When something that is “normal” becomes “natural,” it signifies a shift toward seeking answers from a higher source or your inner self. Many individuals could benefit from asking questions of God or their inner selves, as it often leads to receiving honest and profound answers.

The soul uses the same universal language, feelings, to communicate with every human body. This language transcends linguistic barriers, whether you speak English, French, or Spanish. All messages from the soul are conveyed through the language of feelings. It’s a simple and innate system. Feelings are your built-in truth detector, and you have the free will to use this gift.  You also have the free will to not use this gift which is what most people have done and that is not and has not served us well.

The soul uses the same language, feelings, to send messages to every human body. It does not matter if you speak English, French or Spanish.  All messages come from the soul through the language of feeling.  It’s a very simple system. Feelings are your very own built-in truth detector and you have free will to use it or not.

To truly understand feelings, it can be beneficial to experience both good and bad emotions. It is vitally important that in both cases one needs to notice the feeling, the emotion, as it is hugely important to who and what we are being. Each feeling has a purpose: good feelings remind you of the positive aspects of life, while bad feelings serve as reminders of the differences between the two.

The information presented here isn’t about trying to change your consciousness; rather, it’s about sharing how I learned to change my own consciousness.  God said a change in consciousness is required before humans can experience peace.  We either choose to change our consciousness or we don’t attain world peace.  It’s a choice, a very important choice we are each making.

Are you willing to change your consciousness if that would move us all closer to  experiencing world peace?  My passion is to affect a global consciousness shift, a shift to experiencing world peace.

For far too long it has been humans normal to pay attention to their body and their mind and ignore their soul.  God says we have forgotten who we really are, mind, body and soul.  It’s time we moved to a natural attention which is paying attention to our mind, body and soul.  Remember the soul, for without it we cannot be in harmony with who we really are.  Make it your natural.

And be in gratitude that we have a soul, the source of our truth.