19. Experiencing Our Life Plan

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Each person’s individuated soul holds their unique life plan. Your soul holds your life plan, and my soul holds my life plan.  The details of this plan, your life plan, are exclusive knowledge of your soul and are not known by your body or your mind.

The soul communicates information about the life plan to the body.  The soul sends specific feelings to the body to facilitate its understanding of and alignment with the life plan.  In essence, each new feeling sent by the soul to the body corresponds to a new experience.

Your life plan is the underlying reason for the feelings that are sent to your body in each new moment.  Every moment brings a fresh experience to your body.  Your soul, being intimately aware of each experience just before it unfolds, conveys a corresponding feeling to accompany that experience.

As it is experienced in the body, the body senses the feeling.  If we’re paying attention, you notice and interpret the feeling.

When the experience is being felt within the body, your physical senses are activated, and you become aware of the feeling.  If this feeling is pleasant, then it indicates that the experience is in alignment with your life plan. This positive feeling serves as validation that you are on the right path, in harmony with your life plan.  Conversely, if you do not experience a positive feeling, it is a sign that the current experience is not in alignment with your life plan.

Being attuned to your feelings and the messages they convey is a fundamental aspect of understanding your life plan. These feelings serve as your inner compass, guiding you on your unique journey towards fulfilling your soul’s purpose and realizing your life plan. Your soul communicates through feelings, ensuring that you are continually guided in the right direction on your path to becoming an instrument of world peace.