You Create Experiences

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

You innately have the power to create your own experiences.  You create every experience that you have.

You are responsible for providing the members of each experience.  Your body contributes through its senses, providing sensory information.  Your body creates the action or actions that make up an experience.  Your mind adds the thought element to the experience.  Your soul plays a crucial role by sending feelings to your body, which then experiences these feelings.  These feelings serve as the feeling member of an experience.

The purpose of your creation is to enable God to enjoy your experience of creating.  Humans were created so that God could enjoy observing them while they create experiences.  God said, “I created you so I could enjoy you experiencing creating.”

This reinforces the idea that you play an active and integral role in the creation of your own experiences.   You have personal creativity in shaping the experiences in your life.  You are not merely a passive observer but an active participant in your own journey of creation.