
Revised: Nov 23, 2023

An experience is not something that just happens to you.  You create it!  How many of the experiences you’ve had in your life would you have changed to better experiences had you known you could do that?

Experiences are not something that simply happens to us but are created through our consciousness.  Individuals are the creators of their own experiences.  Understanding the true nature of experiences can help individuals choose and change their experiences to better serve them.

Every experience is an opportunity and one’s thoughts and responses give these opportunities meaning. Experiences are tools for personal growth and the journey toward higher consciousness.

The purpose of each experience is to create opportunity.  Events and experiences are opportunities.  Nothing more, nothing less.  They are things that happen.  It is what we think of them, do about them, respond to them, that gives them meaning.

Consciousness creates experiences, and as we raise our consciousness, we align ourselves with our higher self, moving closer to experiencing world peace.

The purpose of experiences is to create opportunities and each moment is a gift from God, encouraging gratitude and mindfulness.

Events and experiences are opportunities drawn to you, created by you individually or collectively, through consciousness.  Consciousness creates experience.  You are attempting to raise your consciousness to become the higher self that you now know you are being.  You have drawn these opportunities to you in order that you might use them as tools in the creation and experiencing of who you are.  You are a being of higher consciousness than you are now exhibiting.

The soul knows in its wisdom that the experience you are having in this moment is an experience sent to you by God before you had any conscious awareness of it.  That is what is meant by pre-sent experience.  It’s on its way even as you are seeking it, for even before you ask, God shall have answered you.  Every now moment is a glorious gift from God.  That’s why it is called the present.

It is the soul’s desire to bring you back to God.  It is the soul’s intention to know itself experientially, and thus to know God.  For the soul to know itself experientially, the soul must be in your body where experiencing is done.  For the soul understands you and God are one, even as the mind denies this truth and the body acts out this denial.

Imagine, for a second, that God mixed things up and created you as the Soul instead of creating you as the you that you now are.  So, in this imagining, you are now the Soul.  You are truth and you know the life plan of every human.  Your desire is to know yourself experientially.  But, as the Soul, you do not have a human body to experience experiences in, nor will you ever have a human body.  All knowing, you know that the human body can experience happenings and you know that it does so in every moment. So, then, you and God get together and take a little part of you, the Soul, and designate it for me, or for my use only.  You call that little part of the Soul, that I now have, my individuated soul.  And that’s why the Soul is a part of me and I am a part of the Soul. Now un-imagine being the soul.

Listening to your soul is not listening with your ears. The soul speaks to you in the language of feelings.  You notice your feelings as you experience them in your body.  When you pay attention to your feelings you are listening to your soul.  Your soul is your truth.  I like to refer to it as your truth detector.   What is best for you is what it true for you so it is in your best interest to pay attention to your soul.  As you do this on a regular basis you are doing only what is true for you and that speeds you down your path. Pay attention to your soul. Act on it with your now truth. In doing so you produce a new you.

I was ashamed of who I was being at certain times in my life.  However, I learned that I would not be exactly where I am today, were it not for having gone through all that I went through, good and bad.  I am perfectly where I am today because of every single thing I went through, and I had to go through all of that or I would not have gone through it.  There is no need to be ashamed.  God is good and everything God created is good.  God does not judge.  God says for me to ask only, “Am I better than I was before?”

Every desire is held with a belief that one will feel better when that desire is achieved.  Experiencing world peace will be an achievement that will, indeed, have each of us feeling better.

If we are going to experience world peace, we need to fully understand what an experience is.  An experience is something that has occurred or happened to us.  Our lives are made up of experiences.  Nothing in our lives happens without being part of an experience.  And every experience is new.  There are no old experiences.  Every experience is a new creation.  Notice I said ‘a new creation’.  One cannot have an old experience just as one cannot have an old creation.

Every moment is a new experience and each can be a different length of time.  An experience can consist of your actions(your body), your words, thoughts, ideas,(your mind) and your feelings.(your soul).  Actions of the body also include actions of each of our senses of sight, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching and knowing.

Try to remember an experience in your life from years ago.  Paint a picture of it in your mind as you remember more and more pieces of it.  You can see what you saw, taste what you tasted, hear what you heard, smell what you smelled and feel what you felt then. You can relive the entire experience, like it was here, again.

So how does that all happen? How can it be there years ago and also be here and now? How is remembering possible? Remembering is reliving an experience, a moment in time.

I asked, I received, and now I understand how it works.  Before I asked and received, I was of the belief that my thoughts were stored in my mind.  I also believed I could remember and that remembering was retrieving old thoughts from my mind.  I was partially right.  I believed the thoughts were stored in my mind but I had no idea where the smells, the sights, the tastes and all the rest were stored.  What an interesting surprise, when, again, I learned by asking and receiving.

The mind is where the experience is stored! Not just the thoughts but the entire experience.  Every experience is stored in my mind.  When I remember something, I am remembering an entire experience just as that experience was the first time.  My thought at the time was a member of that experience.  My feeling, my action, and the actions of all of my senses were members of that experience.  Remembering is bringing the members of the experience back together again from the mind where they are stored.

You’ve lived your entire life, so far, not knowing that experiences are stored out there – in the rainbow. Therefore, you would have thought that idea untrue – until now – but it existed there the entire time.

We now know that feelings provide the drive, thoughts provide the direction, and actions provide the results.  This is your soul, mind and body working in harmony, naturally.  In each moment, they combine to create an experience.

Which is to say, in each moment you create an experience using your soul, your mind and your body.  Each experience contains feelings, thoughts and actions.  One cannot have an experience without all three as members of that experience.

As a baby, you noticed the feelings your soul sent you.  You noticed them in your body where you experienced them.  You acted accordingly.  At that age, your mind did not get in the way as you moved along your life path.  You were living your life with your soul, your body, and your mind but your body and mind were not yet fully developed.  You, your soul, body and mind, were joy, a bundle of joy.

As a baby, your actions involved very little thought.  You had very little in your mind to help or hinder you along your life path. 

As you grew, so did your use of your mind and your free will. Somewhere between being a baby and now, you started ignoring your feelings and turned to your mind to determine your actions.  By ignoring your feelings you were ignoring your soul.  You were living your life with your body, and your mind.  You started believing that you were your body and your mind.  You had forgotten who you really are.  You had forgotten the part your soul plays in your life.

Lots of people helped you forget.  Your parents may have helped you the most.  They did so because that is what they knew.  Their parents helped them forget too.  And their parents before them.  This occurred around the globe.  This helped everyone think, and even believe, they were right.  This helped everyone live their lives and live their lies, absent good feelings.  Notice the condition of the world today.  The observable truth shows us that what we have been doing for thousands of years is not working.

Today, right now, you have remembered who you really are.  You’ve gone from a two part you; body and mind, to a three part you; soul, body and mind.  You’ve brought your soul back in as a member of who you really are.

You’ve gone there simply by changing your mind about who you are. You changed to a new way of thinking.  By changing your mind, you changed the Mind.  You are one of many who are on the way to a global shift in consciousness, a shift that will affect world peace.

Smile.  When you experience that smiling, it is your experience and only yours.  Nobody else can experience your smiling experience at the same time as you are experiencing it.  They may, however, also be smiling and experiencing their own smiling.  You, also, cannot be experiencing their smiling experience as they are. 

An experience is person-specific.  Two people can experience a car crash but each will have their very own experience of that car crash.  Neither can experience what the other is experiencing during that car crash.  Likewise, for every experience in every moment of every human being’s life.  Only the experiencer can experience a happening as the happening is being experienced.

Therefore, only the person experiencing an event can truly know that event.  We may think we understand someone else’s experience but we cannot know it as that person does.  As I experience a smile, one could observe me smiling.  One could not, however, observe the feeling I had.  One could also not observe what I was thinking in that experience.  By not knowing my feeling and my thought in that experience, others cannot know that experience as I know it.  We can observe another’s experience and we can think about another’s experience but we cannot know it as the experiencer knows it.  Your smiling experience could be observed by others.  You could also observe another as they experience their smiling experience.  They cannot know your experience and you cannot know theirs.

For someone else to know an experience of yours, that someone would need to be in you, in your cells, during that experience.  They would need to be in your body to feel what you are feeling, as feeling is part of that experience.  That is not possible.  They would need to be in your mind to think what your thoughts are, as thoughts are part of that experience.  That also is not possible.  The same holds true for you.  For you to know another’s experience, you would need to be inside of their mind and body, inside them.  That also is not possible.

But God was and is in you and thereby continues to know all, even knowing every one of your experiences.

A baby moves inside the womb.  As the baby moves, the baby experiences its body moving.  God, being in every cell of the baby, also experiences it. If God was not inside every part of the baby, God would not be able to experience the baby’s movement at the precise time the baby was experiencing that movement.

Thoughts are energy.  All energy attracts.  The energy of our thoughts attract similar thoughts.  In our minds, our thoughts attract like thoughts, our feelings attract like feelings, and our experiences attract like experiences.

Each of the members of an experience are a kind of energy.  Each of those energies are attracting like energies.  If an experience had joy it in, then it attracts joy.  If an experience had anger in it, then it attracts anger.  Experiences with blame, shame, depression, guilt, rage or fury attract experiences with blame, shame, depression, guilt, rage or fury.  Experiences with love, joy, peace, unity, oneness and harmony attract experiences with love, joy, peace, unity, oneness and harmony.