Man Is God Made

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Humans are not admiring their amazingly magnificent bodies as they should be.  (An entire article earlier in this plan is devoted to explaining the wondrously magnificent body.) They do not understand that their body is love.   Understanding that Man is God made is to fully understand that concept.  Man is soul, body and mind, working together in harmony, unity and oneness. Man is love in soul – as that is what the soul is.  Man is love in body in that the body is wondrously magnificent with God in it.  Man is love in mind if man so chooses to fill his mind with love.

This perspective on the nature of humanity and the path to world peace is deeply rooted in a spiritual and holistic understanding of human existence.  Viewing humans as a combination of soul, body, and mind working in unity and harmony, all infused with love, is a profound and uplifting concept.  This perspective promotes self-awareness and a sense of connection to the broader world, which can be a powerful motivator for personal and collective transformation.

The idea that humans are “God made” and that love is the essence of their being is reminiscent of many spiritual and philosophical teachings that emphasize the importance of love, compassion, and unity.  It encourages individuals to connect with their inner selves, with others, and with the world on a deeper level.  When people recognize their own divine nature, they are more likely to treat themselves and others with kindness and respect, fostering an environment of love and understanding.

By filling the mind with love, and God is love, the mind joins the soul and body to be love.  You don’t just think love; you are love.  Be love.  You will then attract love.  I did.  I’ve attracted a better life into my life.  Many more of my experiences now have love as a member. Yours will too. You are being love.

The concept of the holy trinity – “know, experience, be” – is a thought-provoking approach to personal transformation. By understanding, experiencing, and being love, individuals can not only improve their own lives but also contribute to the greater good and the pursuit of world peace. This message underscores the importance of personal consciousness change as a crucial step toward creating a more peaceful world.

Try to be something.  For example, try to be love.  You cannot be love until you have experienced love.  You cannot experience love until you know love.  It must be in that order; know, experience, be.  This is the holy trinity.

Try this!  Know that 1. Your soul is love; 2. Your body is love; 3. Your mind is love, as you are now filling your mind with experiences that have love as a member.  These three parts of you that make you, are each love.  With the three parts of you that you are each being love, there is no other part of you left to not be love. You are love. Now, in this moment, experience that you are love.  Now that you have experienced that you are love, you are being love.  Know it.  Experience it.  Be it.  From now on, when anyone says, “Be love!”, you can reply, “I am.”

Now that you have changed your consciousness about who you really are, you are already a part of the consciousness change that is needed.  You are being, or in the act of becoming, an instrument of world peace.  You are on your path to participating in creating world peace.

Promoting a shift in consciousness toward love and unity is a noble endeavor. As individuals begin to embody this shift, they can collectively contribute to a world where peace, compassion, and understanding prevail. It’s a message that encourages personal growth, empathy, and a shared commitment to making the world a better place.

In summary, this promotes the idea that recognizing one’s innate capacity for love and integrating it into one’s being can lead to personal growth and a broader transformation that may ultimately help in the pursuit of world peace. It encourages readers to embrace love as an integral part of their identity and to extend that love to others.