
Revised: Nov 23, 2023

I acknowledge that if you don’t believe in God, the likelihood of you becoming an instrument of peace will be pretty slim. I would, however, warn you that you may not understand the power of love others have over you, your thoughts, your beliefs, your mind.

I do not make any representation or promise regarding the effects or outcome of your celebration as you experience world peace.

I do not assume any responsibility for any declining medical needs, improved health conditions, joyful life events or situations you may have in the future.

The information received herein should not in any way be used as a substitute for advice from God.

Those participating in the creation of world peace need not be emotionally stable or of sound mind.

Participants and their heirs, representatives, successors and assigns, release and waive any and all claims they now have or may have in the future in connection with the joyous celebrations of world peace.

My ideas about world peace may be borrowed, used, copied, recorded, reproduced, adapted, altered, modified, taught, simplified, etc. in any way with the consent of God.

All results are final. No refunds. When you become love, you cannot turn back. Love is addictive. Once you receive it, it is yours. Once you give it, you attract more, and give more, and attract more.

Because of your new awareness of who you are being, you and only you are responsible for the heightened vibrational energy you will develop by stating your new beliefs out loud. The spoken belief is your word in action. Action is a higher creative power than thought or word alone.

Any no-shows or missed appointments with God are missed opportunities. Sorry, but no refunds. You cannot re-live something you have not lived. Pay attention or you’ll miss out on choosing a path in your life plan.

Emergency appointments with God are never needed. God is always listening. God operates on a case-by-case basis, and treats you as the special case you are. You just aren’t the only special case God is dealing with.

For those who have chosen to set up an ongoing, moment by moment, habit of listening to God, beware of dramatic changes in your continually improving life.

Please note that it may be harder to drop out of the habit of listening than it was to join the practice.

God does not offer a refund to those who feel they are receiving too many answers, too much love or joy or peace.

God offers only a lifetime subscription of love in your body and in your soul. No guarantee or subscription is available for your mind or it would negate the free will you were given to fill your mind, by yourself, with whatever you choose to fill it with.

You may pay a high price for not filling your mind with love and joy and peace and harmony and unity and oneness.

You are responsible for your love, for being love and for spreading love.  You are a human being love.

This disclaimer serves as a reflection of the core principles and ideas presented throughout the world peace plan. It’s a reminder that personal choice and responsibility play a significant role in creating a world of peace and love.