Revised: Nov 23, 2023

God knows if and when you are ready to receive an answer.  I will not answer that question for you here because the answer is in your soul and only your soul knows your path. I had to learn this lesson early in the process.  I thought I could ask a question and immediately receive an answer.  I did not know that sometimes I’d get an answer quickly and other times it would take days, weeks and at times, even longer.  I didn’t know that I wasn’t ready for some of the answers I was asking for.  And guess what, sometimes you might not be ready for the answers either.  That’s okay!

The answers I did receive helped me prepare for the ones that followed. Doubt played a big part in how quickly I readied myself for those answers, and you might find yourself doubting some of what you read here too. You might even begin to doubt your doubts.

Many people listen to different people like teachers, parents, and friends more than they listen to God.  But it’s important to listen to both.  We should listen to God’s guidance as well.  Imagine how different the world could be if we all listened to God more!

Many people believe that God is important in their lives but don’t really listen to God. Do you pay more attention to what people say than to what God might be telling you? Are teachers, the media, parents, ministers, and others more influential in your life than God?

Observe who you listen to more.  That is your observable truth.  Would you say all of the people you listen to are more important than God?  Or, is God more important to listen to than all of them?  Or maybe you should be listening to both.  Do you doubt you can listen to God?  Do you doubt your ability to listen to God or to ask questions and receive answers from God?  Is God the most important voice to follow?

Think about what percentage of everything in your mind came from people, and what percentage came directly from God. Should we listen more to humans, or should we be paying closer attention to God?  Look at the state of the world today. Would we be better off if we changed who we’re listening to?

Imagine what your mind would be filled with today if you’d been taught to listen to God from a young age. How different would you be?  Would you be open to listening to God if you knew you could do it?  And would you and the world be better for it?

I’m Ron, just an ordinary person with a job, a family, 73 years of experiences and a strong desire for world peace.  More than anything, I want my children and grandchildren to experience world peace, not just read or hear about it.  Some people say world peace is impossible, but I don’t think so. Just the idea that it’s possible keeps me going, even when things get tough.

The mere thought that experiencing world peace might be possible has been my motivation throughout the process of writing this.  As you’ll read, this hasn’t been a small or easy task.  I wanted to quit many times and just agree with those who said world peace was impossible.  If you have thoughts of giving up, consider that there are many more of us now working on this together.

People have focused on thoughts and actions for a long time, forgetting about their feelings.  Your feelings are important because they tell you the truth about how you really feel inside.  You can always trust your feelings.

Mankind has a long history of focusing on thoughts(mind) and actions(body) while ignoring our feelings(soul).  Each generation learned from the previous generation and this has continued for thousands of years.  We therefore have a long history of giving focus to our mind and body and ignoring our soul.  We have forgotten who we really are.  Notice how that is serving us.

Now, consider your thoughts and feelings about war. There’s a significant difference between what you think and how you feel.

You think your thoughts!

You experience your feelings!  

Your thoughts are in your control as they come from your mind. Thoughts can’t always be trusted as truth.

Feelings are controlled by your soul. Feelings never lie, and you can always trust them.  Some call this “trusting your gut” because many feelings are experienced in the gut.

You must ask yourself, can I trust my thoughts or am I better off trusting my feelings?  Your feelings are your truth, whether you’re aware of them or not.  All the thoughts in your mind are thoughts you’ve collected from various sources, and they’re not always true or trustworthy. You can choose to trust all your thoughts, but that might not always serve you well.