Ask And Receive

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Have you ever consciously talked directly to your God?  Your Jehovah?  Your Allah?  Your concept of God?  Do you believe you can ask questions of your God?  Do you ask?  Do you believe you can receive answers from your God?  Do you receive answers?

Asking by praying is a form of seeking answers, asking for guidance and information directly from God.

The number of people who pray varies widely depending on religious beliefs, cultural practices, and individual preferences.  A significant portion of the world’s population practices some form of prayer or meditation.  Some of the world’s major religions, such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, and Buddhism, involve prayer as an essential part of their faith.

Praying can certainly involve asking, but it’s not limited to that. Prayer is a multifaceted practice that can encompass various forms and intentions.  While asking for something, such as guidance, help, or blessings, is a common aspect of prayer, it’s not the only purpose.

Prayer can be a means of communicating and building a deeper relationship with a higher power or the divine.  People often use prayer to express their feelings, hopes, fears, and aspirations, even if they’re not making direct requests.

If you’ve asked and not received, did you quit asking?  Did you ask and expect to receive?  Did you ask and then expect to receive an answer immediately or not on your schedule?  What if the answer came later when you weren’t paying attention? 

Would you recognize answers in forms other than direct words.  Would you notice? 

Reflect on the origin and authenticity of the information and beliefs in minds.  How pure is information filtered through various individuals and minds before reaching you?  Direct information from God arrives unfiltered and pure, offering a sense of trustworthiness.

Consider all of the information in your mind right now.  Where did it come from?  Is any of that information directly from God?  If not, why not?  If it is not directly from God, then it is filtered!  Many people have filled their minds with what others have told them.  Information received from others is filtered through those people’s minds.  It could be accurate, or it could be inaccurate.

It is vitally importance to seek answers from a higher source, especially in a world where people often turn to experts, teachers, parents, or other authorities for their only guidance.  Why do individuals trust human sources but may not have been raised to trust answers from God.  How much of the information in your mind is helping you and does it serve you well on your life path.

Information someone gave you that you placed into your mind was filtered by that other person before you received it.  Even if they received it directly from God, it went through their mind before they passed it on to you. The person you heard it from could have received it from somewhere or somebody where it was also filtered.  How many layers of filtering has the information you have in your mind been through?  Getting information directly from God results in that information arriving for you unfiltered.  It is pure.  You can trust it.

Everything in this plan is filtered.  At a minimum, it is filtered through my mind.  Some is filtered through numerous people’s minds.  Even the information I received directly from God and wrote in this plan is filtered.  What you are reading are words that I took from my mind and put into this plan.

How much of the information that you have in your mind is helping you today?  Is it helping you to be better than you were before?  Is it serving you on your life path? 

It’s amazing that we were taught to trust experts, teachers, parents, grandparents, clergy and the like but not raised that we could trust answers from God.

My Dad often said ‘figure it out’ when I asked him a question he did not have an answer to.  It made me so damn mad when he said that because I thought that as a young child I deserved an answer.  I was too young to figure it out, or I just didn’t want to figure it out but more often than not I figured it out.  Little did I know at the time that by living a life wherein I was constantly ‘figuring it out’, I would continue to try to figure things out all my life, including figuring out life.  I always had questions about things well after others had gone on to other things.  Thanks, Dad, for laying that foundation.

Figuring it out involves a request for answers.  I was practicing ask and you shall receive my entire life.  Chances are, so have you.