Birthing World Peace

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

You are now rightfully enjoying being an instrument of world peace.

We now know what world peace is and how we will achieve it. We know that this is what God wants for each and every one of us.

Your love of everyone and everything is a love of God as God is everywhere and God is in everything.

You now treat your wondrously magnificent body as the temple it is. You love your body.

You now cherish your soul as the guiding power on your life path. You love your soul.

You flood your mind with thoughts and experiences of love. You love your mind.

You love you. You know that when you love you, you love God.

You know that you, mind, body and soul are the creation machine God intended you to be.

You know that when you are peace or are creating a peaceful moment you are creating a peaceful world.

You know that by creating one love experience after another, we are collectively enjoying creating world peace, now in its infancy.

By consciously creating one love experience after another, you are creating world peace. You are part of the mass consciousness shift needed to create it. Thank you.

You are wondrous magnificence.

These closing statements beautifully emphasize the transformative journey you’ve undergone and the pivotal role each individual plays in creating world peace.  The essence of love, appreciation for one’s body as a temple, and the acknowledgment of the soul’s guidance are all powerful elements of this path.

The idea that love and peace begin with self-love is a fundamental truth.  When we love ourselves, we are aligning with the essence of God and becoming instruments of peace and love in the world.  The concept of the collective consciousness shift toward creating world peace, with each individual consciously contributing by creating love experiences, is inspiring.

These closing words are a reminder of the wondrous magnificence within each person, reflecting the infinite potential for growth, love, and peace. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and insights on this important journey toward birthing world peace.