Consciousness Shift Summary

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

You’ve experienced consciousness shifts while reading this plan. Some you had before, some you learned, and some are on their way.

God said a change in consciousness is needed to achieve world peace. You have made a change.  You are helping to create world peace.


You now fully understand that you have a wondrously magnificent body, full of love, full of peace, full of God. You are now taking conscious action, noticing your feelings and acting on them.

You now love your body with its trillions of points of consciousness. You know that when you love your body, you love God.

You don’t just like your body, you love your wondrously magnificent temple. You don’t just think it or believe it, but rather you know your body is love.


You now understand how important it was for you to shift from ignoring your soul to acknowledging the messages of truth sent by your soul to you in every moment.

You now realize that your soul holds your life plan and communicates that plan to you through feelings. You’ve become consciously aware of your feelings and have learned to consciously select thoughts that serve you on your life path.

You now know your soul is love, peace and truth. Your shift has you taking conscious actions of love.


You are developing conscious thought awareness and conscious thoughts of love. You’re building unity of body, soul and mind. You’ve learned that harmony in you occurs only when you fill your mind with love so that your mind matches your soul and your body which are always filled with love.

You are consciously shifting your mind from being fear full to being love full. You are shifting from having mind, or mental, toughness to having soul, or feeling, toughness, moving from sheer determination and iron will to mindless allowing.

Body, Soul, Mind

Your soul was love from its very beginning. Your body was love from its beginning.  Both will always be love. Now you’re consciously adding love to your mind, making all parts of you love.

Unity and Oneness

You’ve learned that you are unity and oneness with God, as to not be would deny your body and your soul.

You know that you are more in unity with God by continuing to consciously fill your mind with experiences of love.

The actions of your body, which your mind causes your body to do, are filled with love.

Your soul is one with God, simply by being, as it is filled with God.

Your body is one with God, simply by being, as it is filled with God.

Your mind is one with God, as you continue to fill your mind with love.

By consciously filling your mind with love, you become one with God


You learned that when you are afraid, love cannot be there, as love and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time. You learned that harboring fear means you have a part of your mind working against your body and soul. You learned that fear only exists in your mind and removing fear from your mind removes it from you, from who you are being.

You learned that you, mind, body and soul, are in harmony when fear is replaced by love. You now have conscious thoughts and actions to create harmony in you.


You now more fully understand conscious awareness, conscious thought, conscious action and unconscious reaction.

You are consciously being a higher self. You are better than you were before.

Ask and you shall receive: You continue to grow by asking the source, God, creator, for answers while trusting that you’ll receive and allow answers on your path to moving higher.

You’re asking many more questions, not covered in this plan, leading to peace filled education, business, government, religion, medical and many other areas of life.

You’ve shifted from asking for peace to creating peace, by being peace.


You’ve learned one of the biggest lessons of your life. You now know that your life is simply a series of experiences, one followed by another, and since you create every one of your experiences, you create your life. By creating your experiences, each with love as a member, you create a life of love. You are being love. You are love experienced.


You have a consciousness of treating others, this plan and many books as a source and treating God as the Source.


You have a consciousness that everyone is entitled to, has a right to, feel good and that they are each, individually, response-able to make that happen for themselves. You now know that it starts with you having a consciousness of building inner peace, all the while knowing that by building inner peace you are building world peace. The good feelings you experience have you being the cause of creating and attracting more peace.

Massive Shift

Never before in the history of this planet has mankind been more blessed with the tools, technology and know-how to spread God consciousness around the globe, easily and quickly. It’s like God has been readying the world for the massive consciousness shift we are creating.

The mention of massive shifts in consciousness and the readiness of the world for this transformation is particularly inspiring.  It underscores the idea that the present moment is an opportune time to work collectively toward a world filled with love and peace.

World Peace

This plan describes a profound personal transformation, emphasizing the importance of love, unity, and conscious action in achieving inner peace and, by extension, world peace.