Creating Thought

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

We now delve into the process of creating thought and the significance of understanding how our thoughts are formed and the role of our feelings in this process.

When we have a thought, we essentially create that thought by drawing components from the Mind (the collective consciousness) and merging them to form our very own unique thought.  We add to what we receive from the Mind and create a new thought which then gets added to our mind.

Every thought is a new creation, and no two thoughts are the same.  As God says, it must be so.

To have a thought exactly like someone else’s thought would result in duplication. There is no duplication, only creation.  Every single one of our thoughts is a new creation.  Every thought we have is a thought we created.  We’ve been creators all of our lives.  Here we’re moving from being unconscious creators to being conscious creators.  Another change in consciousness is occurring in you.  Be grateful it’s that easy to create our new way of thinking.

To remember a thought is to re-member that thought.  Just as members of an experience are spread out while stored in the mind, so too are members of a thought.  The term “re-membering” describes the process of re-assembling the members of a thought from the Mind where they are stored. (The Mind includes your individuated mind.)

When we have a thought, we “call together” or assemble the words and members of that thought.  This process is likened to assembling a puzzle where each piece of the thought comes together to form a unique creation.

The difference between membering and re-membering begs clarification:

  • Membering a thought is creating an entirely new thought.  For example, each word is a member of a thought.
    • This process assembles components, or members, from our mind and combines them with components from the Mind.
    • This assembled thought becomes a new creation.
  • Re-membering is remembering a stored thought.
    • This process fetches and re-assembles members of a thought previously stored.  Members may be retrieved from both my mind and from the Mind.
    • This re-assembled thought now becomes a new creation.
  • Results:
    • Two very similar thoughts are now stored in the Mind.
      • The previously stored thought.
      • The reassembled, or recreated, thought is very similar to the stored thought but is now a new creation.
        • Since there is only creation and duplication cannot exist, somehow this has become a new creation.  This provides yet another opportunity to ask God to explain.
    • We become the creators of our own thoughts by membering or remembering them.

Create thoughts deliberately as you also create what you desire in your life.  However, if you are more aware of what you do not desire, then what you desire cannot be manifested.  You control whatever it is you manifest into your life.  Be conscious of which you are more aware of.  Focus on what you desire rather than what you don’t desire as you manifest into your life based on your focus.

Membered and remembered experiences follow the same logic as membered and remembered thoughts.

New experiences are created every moment.  God is doing that while we are doing that.  God gets to experience our creations by being part of us, by being in us.  We get to experience creation by God being in each of us as we create.  God experiences my creations as I create them and God experience your creations as you create yours.  However, you and I do not get to experience each other’s experiences.  Nobody gets to experience another person’s experiences.

You have a thought accompanied by a strong desire and a strong feeling.  Immediately upon entering the Mind it begins to attract.  The attraction process continues.  Repeating this sends a second thought that also attracts.  Each one you send causes more attraction.  You will soon be receiving.  You must then allow.

A thought, when repeated often enough, becomes a belief, which carries strong associated feelings.  Use your feelings as a guidance system in creating thought and belief.  Feelings are an integral part of conscious creation and aligning your thought and feeling allows for a more satisfying creative process.

Having some of those thoughts and then a thought of doubt starts a different, new attraction, of doubt, the opposite of the first thought.  Paying attention to your feelings allows you to know if you are giving your attention to your desire or if you are giving it to doubt. 

You can have feeling but never the absence of feeling in an experience.  The feeling is either good or the absence of good but there is always a feeling.

This is continually going on in you, but when you consciously align with your feelings, your creative endeavors become so much more satisfying.  The degree to which you feel blessed and expect good things to flow to you indicates the level of your state of allowing.  Your feelings are your guidance system.

We would have been well served, as children, had we been taught to weigh each thought and the feeling associated with it.

We dealt earlier with re-membering who we are.  We brought the soul back in as a member of the all that we are, body, mind and soul.  The soul was there when we were babies, and between then and now we started to ignore it.  Bringing the soul back into our consciousness now allows for the inclusion of feeling in our consciousness.  Bringing feeling back into our present, moment-by-moment consciousness allows us to re-member our experiences.  That is, if we choose to do so.

As a boy I created a thought with a feeling of shame associated with it.  It was one of my crowd(the people I listened to) thoughts.  It wasn’t until now that I took that thought and re-member-ed it with a feeling of joy.  This I did by adding a knowingness, which includes that everything happens for a reason, and the reason was that I got to have that experience so that I could be exactly where I am today. Where I am today is in perfect plan with what my soul chose for me to be.

As I started reexamining my beliefs, and noticing my feelings about each belief, only then could I consciously keep or discard that belief and allow it into the present, and therefore into my future.