Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Everyone is either an instrument of peace or is an instrument of the absence of peace.  Which one are you?  Being an instrument of peace means you are affecting peace, making it happen. The observable condition of the world indicates that people on earth are currently affecting the absence of peace.  If the opposite were true, we might be experiencing world peace today.

Does it excite you to imagine that you can help bring about world peace?  By the time you finish reading this plan, you’ll see how we can make it happen together. Get ready for one of the biggest changes in your life. 

You’ll see others noticing your enthusiasm and wanting it for themselves.  Your excitement will inspire others.  Just picture being able to say, “I played a part in making the world peaceful, and we’re all enjoying it today.”  How amazing would that be?

Would you believe that you could receive the answer to world peace, out of the blue, like I did? Would you believe the answer could come to you, just because you were asking God for it? Would you accept that you had received this all-important answer when it arrived?  Would you believe that was possible?  Sometimes big answers come from asking big questions, especially when you ask God.  

So let’s say you asked God, “How can we attain world peace?”  You received the answer and believed it was true.  Let’s also say you believed the answer to the degree that you felt compelled to act on it.  It became too important to ignore. 

You thought about it all the time and couldn’t resist sharing the answer with others.  You started writing the plan, for days, for weeks, for months, even for years.  And as you wrote, the answers kept flowing.

But all the while you were writing, the issue of worthiness kept coming to mind.  As you wrote, you couldn’t help but wonder: Who am I to think I can write about experiencing world peace?  Who am I to think I can ask God questions and get answers?  Why would God choose me for this?  If not me, then why was I receiving so many answers?  Was it because I was the only one asking questions or the only one getting answers or the only one ready and willing to act on them?

Notice all the doubt that crept in while I was writing.  However, with every question I asked and answer I received, my doubts started to fade away.  My hope is that I can do the same for you.  It could have been you writing this, asking these questions, and getting these answers.  You can do everything I did, and much more.

You will likely question many parts of this plan.  That is good.  If all you get out of this plan is to question God about what is said in it, then you are already participating in asking.  If you also receive answers to your questions, then you are also consciously participating in the receiving part of ask and you shall receive.

Remember, we all have free will.

We can choose to ask God, or not.

We can choose to believe we receive answers from God, or not.

After asking, you can choose to accept the answers, or not.

It’s all up to you.

How do you want to feel?

How do you feel?

Remember, you have the power to ask big questions and get answers. It’s your choice, and you can make a positive change in the world.

Then, always, always, always, be grateful for knowing you can ask questions of God and be grateful for receiving answers from God.  And don’t forget to be grateful for being given free will to choose your path in life.