Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Feelings are the way our souls communicate with us. They act as messages. Every feeling that you experience in your body serves as a message, guiding you and providing feedback about the path you are on. If a feeling is pleasant and positive, it indicates that you are on a good path for yourself.

Feelings are truth. 

Feelings are not mere sensations but the very language of the soul. Each feeling that arises within our bodies serves as a message, a form of communication from the deepest part of our being. These messages provide guidance and insight into our life’s path. When you experience a particular feeling, it is your soul conveying information to you.

Feelings never lie.

The content of these messages can be quite simple: either you are on the right path for your own well-being, or you are not. If a feeling is positive and makes you feel good, it signifies that you are moving in a direction that aligns with your inner self. Conversely, negative or uncomfortable feelings are signals that you might need to reconsider your current course of action.

Moreover, it’s essential to remember that feelings aren’t static. They are dynamic and ever-changing, as they correspond to your experiences and the choices you make. Thus, each new feeling is sent to your body as you navigate your life’s journey, offering continuous guidance and wisdom. By embracing your feelings as messages from your soul, you empower yourself to make choices that resonate with your deepest self and lead you to a fulfilling and purposeful life.

Every feeling we experience is a message, but in the hustle and bustle of daily life, it’s easy to overlook or dismiss them. The key is to recognize and acknowledge the significance of these feelings. Treat each message from your soul as something important, something worth paying attention to. React to each feeling as though it was an answer from your very essence.

And finally, be in gratitude for every good feeling you experience.  This will increase the attraction of more good feelings.