Feelings Delivered

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

I’ve created a story with a special little character, called Onawing, designed to help you better understand how the soul works.  My job is to make very, very special deliveries to your body.  I make my deliveries to your body every moment of your life.  Your body notices each of my deliveries as I make them.  When you pay close attention to all that your body is experiencing, you consciously notice each of my deliveries. What I deliver makes a difference in the quality of each of your moments and in the quality of your life.

I am not alone.  I have lots of help.  There are millions, even billions, of us making deliveries to your body.  What we deliver to your body is different than what we deliver to every other body.  And yes, we deliver to every single human body.

Your body always notices when we make deliveries because we make millions of high impact deliveries to your body in an instant. We make our deliveries directly to the tiny cells of your body.  We and what we are delivering are the reason you have many sensors on each of the cells of your body.  Each of us place our delivery directly onto those sensors.

We may make our deliveries to different parts of your body but we always deliver to the sensors on the cells of your body.  We make each of our deliveries super-fast.  One could say we fly to make our deliveries.  You might think of us as really tiny butterflies making deliveries to your body. Everyone loves us and what we deliver.

We go to your soul to pick up our deliveries and from there deliver them to your body.  The soul tells us what to deliver and where to deliver what we are delivering.  Our deliveries are the way the soul communicates with or talks to your body.  The soul knows the truth about your life plan and, at the point of our deliveries, the body experiences the truth about your life plan.  The soul knows and the body experiences.

Our mind thinks it knows based on what we have placed in our mind.  Our soul knows based on what God has placed in our soul.  Are you better served by acting on what you have placed in your mind or by what God has placed in your soul?  Which do you think will serve you better? Pay attention to Onawing.

We deliver the soul’s knowingness to the body using feelings.  It is the way the soul speaks to the body and how the body hears the soul.

Our first deliveries started when your body started.  Your soul and your body have been communicating every moment of your lives.  This is the main communication between the body and the soul.  Did you know this about your body and your soul? The body is wondrously magnificent! The soul is truth.

Because of our deliveries, every experience you have has a feeling as one of its members. An experience is never complete without a feeling.

Once we deliver a feeling to you, it is yours.  It becomes yours simply by it being delivered to you and only you.  It is your feeling in that moment, the moment you receive it.

You might ask, “Onawing, why don’t you deliver better feelings to me?”  Stop right there!   I don’t get to decide what I deliver or where I deliver.  I simply deliver.  It’s what I do and I do it well.  Your soul decides what I deliver to your body and your soul decides where in your body I deliver it to.  Your soul knows.  We simply deliver.

It’s what the soul does.  Your soul plays a major role in your life.  How much you pay attention to your soul is up to you.  You decide how much attention you pay to your soul.  You can change your mind but you cannot change your soul.