God Is Man Made

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

The real God, the creator, the Almighty, existed before man started making up their own man made God. Here are just a few of the differences.

  • God is love.
    • The God that man made up is to be feared.
  • God does not judge.
    • The God that man made up judges whether you sin and if you are going to hell.
  • God is everywhere.
    • The God that man made up is everywhere except in hell where the devil is.
  • God created everything and everything God created was good.
    • The God that man made up had God creating bad people who had to confess their sins.
  • The real God said ask and you shall receive.
    • The man-made God promoted prayer for asking, but answers should be sought only filtered through religious leaders.

Changing your mind from the fears that man made up about God to the love that God is – is a change in consciousness. The soul knows and sends you those good feelings.  The soul knows that God is not fear; that love and fear cannot occupy the same space; that God created everything and everything that God created was good; that God is everywhere and God’s presence everywhere is where fear cannot be.  Fear exists as thoughts and thoughts are made up constructs of the mind.

The intriguing concept that the pursuit of world peace is not a mere goal; it’s a transformation of consciousness.  By promoting love, unity, and harmony, we are offering a pathway to a better world.  The idea that fear and love cannot occupy the same space is a compelling reminder that focusing on love can drive out fear.  Love is the true essence of divinity, and fear is a man-made construct.

Fear is something which you are not.  You can fill your mind with fear, but you cannot fill your soul or your body with fear.  For you to be fear you would need to fill your mind, your body and your soul with fear.  Then you would be fear.  Therefore, fear is something you cannot be.  You can however be love.

When you get over your fear you will experience love.  Once you get through experiencing fear, that which you are not, you will seek to experience love, that which you are. Achieving world peace begins with an internal transformation. By focusing on love, individuals can overcome fear and contribute to the realization of world peace.

War and peace are not opposites.  War is an event, a circumstance.  Peace is what you are being.  Peace, love, joy, harmony, unity and oneness are all interchangeable words.  All of them are what you are being, not what you are doing.  War is something you are doing.  Peace, a derivative of love, and war, a derivative of fear, cannot occupy the same space.  Which do you choose for your space?

The mainstream news media, religions and others that promote fear are instruments of war!  They fill many minds with thoughts of fear.  They avoid discussion or inclusion of feelings which would attain truth.

They choose to fill our minds with fear in an attempt to control our minds.  By controlling our minds, they attempt to control us.  By controlling us they attempt to control circumstances.  By controlling circumstances, they fill our minds with fear.  What they cannot control however is the feeling experienced with their deception.

Humans will make world peace happen when enough humans decide to make it happen.  As with everything else, there is no desire that anyone holds for any other reason than that they believe they will feel better in the achievement of it.

A good feeling is never experienced while experiencing fear.

I believe I have become an instrument of world peace, partly because of writing this plan.  Join me in spreading the word about this plan, by spreading the words, thoughts and ideas that are in this plan.  Introduce the world to the world peace plan and you will help change the world.

We humans are the only thing standing in the way of experiencing world peace.  Nature, the environment, outer space, as well as everything else surrounding humans, are not standing in the way of humans experiencing world peace.  Those things have no choice in the matter.

Imagine world peace!  Picture it in your mind!  World peace is certainly important enough to have each of us spend at least a few minutes thinking about it.  We can all create our own vision of what world peace will look like.

Our vision will contain the good, the positive, the higher self.  It may contain war if attaining or maintaining world peace is the only reason for the war.  It will include feeding all the children on earth. It will not include people hurting other people, being mean to one another, wishing bad things on others, and so on.  Our vision of world peace includes love, joy, peace, harmony, unity and oneness.

As happiness is a state of mind, change your mind and you change your happiness.  Like all states of mind, happiness produces itself in physical form. Think happy and you become happy.  Quit thinking happiness and happiness goes away.  All states of mind reproduce themselves.  Think angry thoughts and you become angry.  Quit thinking angry thoughts and anger goes away.  Think lonely thoughts and you become lonely.  Quit thinking lonely thoughts and loneliness goes away.

Now take this to another level.  Think of world peace!  It’s easy to think happy thoughts because you know what happy is since you’ve experienced happy before in your life.  It’s easy to think angry thoughts since you’ve experienced anger in your life.  It’s easy to think lonely thoughts since you’ve experienced lonely in your life. 

Think world peace! You find it much harder to think thoughts of world peace as you’ve not experienced that before.  And nobody else on earth has experienced world peace either. It’s time that changed.  We can help bring about that change.

You now know the truth about what it would take to experience world peace.  You cannot work towards a goal of experiencing world peace unless you first know what that goal is.  You now know that you can make world peace your goal and attain it.

To simply talk about world peace does not create world peace.  To simply want world peace or to claim to work for world peace does not create world peace.   These things have been done for centuries and the observable truth is that that has not worked.  One could argue that we are no closer to world peace than the world was 100 years ago or 1,000 years ago.  Look around and notice what you observe in the world today.   There is chaos of one sort or another in nearly every country on earth.  Even nature is in chaos, not just here, but around the globe.  Nature cannot be and will not be in chaos during world peace.

Many people have worked at creating world peace.  Many people have worked to create world peace, as they envision world peace to be.  The reason world peace didn’t occur is that the people working at creating world peace were working to change circumstances instead of working to change consciousness.  Changing consciousness will result in changing circumstances.

All along, God has known what it takes for us to experience world peace.  All along God has been willing to tell us what world peace is.  All along God has been telling us to ask.  All along God has been telling us to ask and you shall receive.  All along God has been waiting for us to wake up to this truth; to ask and you shall receive.

You have awakened to this truth and are consciously making changes to help you along your path.

We are on our way to making world peace happen.  You will help make it happen.  You can either be actively involved in creating world peace or you can be one of the inactive people with doubts.  If you choose to be inactive, you will have those doubts until the tipping point is reached when you will no longer have a choice but to be a part of experiencing world peace.  This tipping point will occur when enough people have changed their consciousness to affect a mass consciousness change.

You’re not going to feel hopeful until you’re chasing after something that really matters to you.  World peace matters to you when you are hopeful that you will experience world peace.  You likely do not want to leave this world in chaos.  You want peace for your children, grandchildren, friends, relatives, associates, and yourself to experience.  When peace really matters to you, you will start chasing after it and in the process you will feel hopeful.

My goal is to experience world peace.  Many think it is impossible so why try.  In many people’s minds, traveling to the moon was impossible, but that was important enough to try and to succeed. World peace is much more important than traveling to the moon.

Every nation needs to have a goal of world peace in place. Many nations spend a great deal of effort and money on war, preparing for war and paying for war.  Even with world peace there can be fighting and there can even be war, but both must only be to bring about or maintain world peace.

To be totally at peace within us, everybody on earth needs to have that opportunity.

In a world peace economy, you will not do things for personal profit but for personal growth, which will be your profit.  Yet, profit in material terms will come to you as you become a bigger and grander version of who you are.

Today’s culture is measured largely by how much honor, money, power and possessions we amass.  In a culture of world peace, it will be measured by how much you cause others to amass.

Life will be about the highest quality giving vs the highest quality getting.

Nothing is more stimulating to humans than the prospect of peace.  Peace is another word for love, or freedom, or joy, or truth or unity.  These words comfort our soul, make sense in our minds, and reside in our body.

You could not experience a feeling of greater peace if you did not first experience peace in a lesser form.  Greater cannot exist without that which is not greater.  Have you experienced the greater?  Do you want to?

Not wanting peace violates human nature – and that is the nature God gave us.  You may not normally move towards a peace full world but you always naturally move towards a peace full world.

You are now part of the group, a group with a belief that we are creating a peace full world.  We, therefore, have a group consciousness which is far more powerful than the individual powers of the group. Consciousness is everything. Consciousness creates your experience.  The power of group consciousness produces outcomes of unspeakable beauty.  Grow the group.

I know you want a peaceful world. Start by contributing a joyful person to it. Joy is most fully and most rapidly experienced by giving it away.

Bring joy to another by reading this plan to them.  Until an audio version of this plan is developed, reading to the blind allows you to bring joy to the blind.  Read this plan aloud and you will notice a greater impact than reading it in silence. Remember what you read earlier in this plan:  That which you think of, but thereafter never speak of, creates at one level.  When you are reading out loud, you are speaking, and creating at another level.

I’ve read and reread this plan many times in an effort to complete it to my satisfaction, which is when it feels good. While reading this plan out loud with no one else around, I could sense a difference as it felt better than reading it in silence. I was creating at another level as you can too.

We live in a world where everyone can be a broadcaster.  Computers, cell phones and the Internet are there to assist us.  Spread the word.  Phone your family.  Text your friends.  Share the word on forums and blogs.  Using the Internet, and technology surrounding it, we can spread the word faster today than ever before.  Provide others with the many good feelings they can experience here.

We have the desire, the ability and the technology to create world peace faster than ever before.  The desire, the ability and the technology to reach a massive number of minds quickly is right in front of us.  One has to believe that God saw this plan coming together and prepared it for us.  Or prepared us for it.

We broadcasters must simply reach a tipping point in which our collective consciousness results in a shift in universal consciousness.

Do you fear becoming an instrument of peace?  Be fear and you are being less of God as fear is that which God is not.  Be love and you are being more of God as love is that which God is.

Be love and you will be fear-less.  Become it.  Be it.  Feel the freedom.  Freedom is not pure with the presence of fear.  Experience more love consciously and more fear is pushed out of your life.

Gratitude yields immediate relief and is a step anyone can take.

Pour yourself into yourself and see how wondrously magnificent you are.

Change your ‘come from’ and you change your life.  As an example, I was going to meet my daughter.  Previous meetings with her included anger.  My thoughts are that it will be that way again this time.  And it will be.  I am and have been making it so.  My come from is from anger.  I noticed this, acknowledged it, and replaced anger with love.  I made my come from be from love, not just while I was going to meet her but while we were together.  It changed my life and it changed my relationship with my daughter.  When your thoughts and your actions are coming from love everything changes. It worked for me.

When you come from happiness, you do certain things because you are happy.  This is opposed to, the old paradigm in which you did things that you hoped would make you happy.

When you come from wisdom you do certain things because you are wise, not because you are trying to get to wisdom. 

When you come from love, you do certain things because you are love, not because you want to have love.

Everything changes when you come from being instead of seeking to be.  You cannot get to being by doing.  The way to get there is to be there.  There is nothing you have to do to be happy.  Be happy.  You want to be wise.  Be wise.  You want to be love.  Be love.

For you to start creating a meaningful relationship with God you must first stop fearing God.  We’ve heard many times that blessed are the fearless for they shall know God.  Start being fearless by discarding what you think you already know about God.  God is not bad nor is God to be feared.  Trash what others have told you about God being bad, judging or punishing you.  Notice how you feel with your new thoughts as you enter into your own experience of God.  Discard any guilt you may feel. Feeling good is you experiencing your soul communicating with you, telling you that you are on the right path. That is nothing to feel guilty about.

To summarize, I asked and I received.  I have shared many of my questions, and many of the answers I received with you in this plan.  It feels good.  Actually, it feels way better than good.  I have also experienced a tremendous consciousness shift since starting this project.  I can now say without doubt that I am love, that I am peace, that I am joy, that I am harmony, that I am unity, that I am oneness, and so much more.  I simply cannot not be as God is in me and God is all that I am and so much more.

You can do all that I have done, and more.  You can do all that I am doing, and more.  You can be all that you are being, and more.

Pay attention to your soul and to what these words are delivering to your body from your soul, and you will know why you are, and why you are here on earth.  The opportunity for you to go higher has always been there.  Now you know how to take advantage of that opportunity.  You are going higher and can continue to go much higher by your own choosing.

Thank you for reading this peace plan.  I did my best, with God’s help, to make this the best plan I could. You undoubtedly realize by now, after reading this plan, that I could not have put these words together without Gods help. Many paragraphs were changed several times until they felt good.  In that light, I also need to thank my soul for sending those feelings.

God is happy that I wrote this plan.  I know this to be true because God is in me and I am happy that I wrote this plan.  God is also happy that you read this plan.  I know this to be true because God is in me and experienced my being happy that you read this plan.  Happiness is my response ability in action.  You have response ability as well.  How did you respond?  Is God happy that you read this plan?  If so, you created that. If not, you created that. It is your response to reading this plan.  You, and only you, are response able for that.

Imagine a child asking you if he or she could get world peace as a birthday gift, and you could respond by saying, “It’s on its way.”  How would you feel?  How would that child feel?  You are helping to make it happen.

Early on in this project God provided and helped me tremendously with rediscovering a note I had written and saved.

Remember this, it is not nearly so important how well a message is received as how well it is sent.
How clearlyHow lovinglyHow compassionatelyHow sensitivelyHow courageouslyHow completely  

I referred to this message many times as I prepared my messages to you in this plan.  Kindly keep this in mind as you go about spreading the message of peace around the world.

This message also came to me: A good story should introduce you to a world you do not know and in that world you find yourself.  I did.