Living Consciously

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

It is important to live consciously rather than unconsciously. Be aware of each moment in your life, make conscious choices, and focus on your feelings.

Our lives are a series of experiences, and the quality of our life depends on how consciously we live these experiences.  Are we where we want to be in life and are we experiencing world peace.

Practice the profound act of deliberately infusing each moment with elevated emotions, particularly those rooted in love or its derivatives. By doing so consciously, you embark on a path of living every moment with intention and awareness.  Recognize the profound essence of “Ask and you shall receive!”—what you choose to dwell on inevitably manifests.

When you aspire to enhance your life, begin by drawing better experiences toward you. These positive experiences, once stored in your being, serve as magnets for even more superior ones. Your life becomes a canvas on which you attract and live the experiences you have summoned.

A life is made up of one experience followed by another experience, followed by another, and another, and so on.  We live in each of our experiences.  We are the lump sum total of all of the combined experiences of our life up to this moment.  The quality of our existence is intimately tied to the degree of consciousness we bring to these experiences.

The question is, “How much of our life have we lived consciously?” Where has that gotten us?  Are we where we want to be?  Is the world the way we want it to be?  Are we happy?  Do we feel good?  Are we experiencing world peace?

Do not underestimate the significance of leading a life that is deeply aware, as opposed to living on autopilot.  Be fully present in each moment, make deliberate decisions, and prioritize emotions.

Consciously living our lives is consciously living every moment of our lives.  By being conscious of what is happening in each moment, and making a conscious decision to change it, or leave it as is, we are consciously living every moment.  We are then living by choice and not by chance.  We are using our free will to go higher, to be more love.

When we pay attention to the thought we are having in a moment, we are living in the moment.  When we notice the feeling we receive in a moment, we are living in the moment.  When we make a conscious decision to change the thought, or leave it as is, we are living in the moment.  By living in the moment, we are choosing to go higher, consciously, instead of leaving that to chance.  Living our lives by chance is gambling that we may go higher.

Humans who do not feel good will, by their very nature, eventually crave good feelings. All people want to feel better. It is in their very nature to do so. No human can get around this. It is in their nature and one cannot change one’s nature. As more people understand this truth they will develop a completely different understanding of, and respect for, feelings.  As greater numbers of people grasp and honor this fundamental truth, it has the potential to decrease negative outcomes, such as suicides and acts of terror.  Feeling good removes the strong craving for good feelings.

The people with an absence of good feelings did not have an absence of good feelings when they were born.  Babies lived in the moment and then later learned not to.  Now we live with the observable truth that what they learned since then is what we taught them.

We are now faced with another choice.  We can now choose to dwell on all the bad that we learned or we can choose to live in the moment we are in, and thereby know we are moving higher.  Dwelling on our past is dwelling on our past experiences.  Just as you cannot change an experience in your past you cannot change your past.  Consider that you created each of your experiences.  To change them would mean you would need to un-create them.  Good luck with that!

God knows that every moment that happened in your life was perfect. It got your life exactly where your life is right now, which is in perfect alignment with your life plan.  God’s concern in this moment is, “Are you better than you were before?”  This needs to be your concern as well.

For centuries humans have treated the absence of world peace as a military problem, a political problem or an economic problem.  It is none of these. It is a spiritual problem. Humanity’s struggle is a struggle for the mind. Only by changing people’s minds can victory in the struggle to bring peace, unity and harmony to humanity be claimed. This will only occur once people understand their problem is a spiritual problem. Once this is understood, then military, economic and political tools can and will be used to help solve the problem. Everything in our lives will be rearranged to become part of the solution. Many will be asking and receiving guidance and become part of the solution.

You also will become part of the solution.  People will try to get into your mind but you will now control everything going in and out of your mind.  Religious leaders, educators, politicians, the media, and many others, will continue to attempt to force their beliefs on us.  They will continue to use fear, as before, but now you notice that this does not feel good and you will no longer allow it.   Their use of fear to control your mind stops working.  You now control your mind and therefore control you.

The absence of world peace is a spiritual problem, and achieving it involves a shift in human consciousness.  Fear-based control methods will no longer work when individuals take control of their minds and their own consciousness.

If you were looking for someone to blame for the absence of peace, you would find that everyone is to blame, and no one is to blame.  This is not a process that can be improved by blaming.  Blaming never improves life.  This is a process of becoming aware of, building a belief of and finally knowing, again, for the first time.

Everyone, including religious leaders, have been misled for centuries. They will know this for the first time because their minds will know it for the first time. They will know it again because their souls knew this truth before. They needed to control you and to control you they needed to control your mind. To control your mind they needed to control your fear. They got you to believe that they were right and you were wrong and if you didn’t believe that you were going to be punished.

It started with physical punishment which later evolved to punishment created in your mind.  The fear of burning in hell is a great motivator.  The one problem they have always faced is that by using fear it never felt good.  They were also faced with our trillions of cells instinctually wanting, longing for, that good feeling.

Freedom is not something we earn nor is it something that can be granted to others.  It is the essence of life, what you are.

God is freedom.  Since we are a part of God we are also part of freedom.  We are inherently free.

The soul is freedom.  We have been fighting for freedom for centuries, not realizing that freedom is not something one fights for.  To win that fight, one would need to be fighting with one’s soul, which is a fight with oneself, which one cannot win.

This freedom extends into allowing, being free to think what we choose to think.  Each thought we have is a choice.  We are free to have a thought just the way we put it together or to change it to our liking and then add it to our mind.  To our liking is usually done with the thought of whether the thought was right or wrong.  It is never right or wrong.  It is always a case of feeling good or not.

We’ve covered ‘ask and you shall receive’ earlier in this plan and you now more fully understand what that is.  Are you aware that you can also request an improved state of being?  Every point of consciousness can request an improved state of being and get it. That includes the consciousness of a cell in your body. Requests do not get in line to be granted.  All requests are granted.  All desires are answered. Your request does not compete with others. Your request is granted upon arrival.

Include it in your attention and it becomes part of your vibration.  What are you putting your attention on?  If you expect something, it is on its way, when you believe something, it is on its way, and when you fear something, it is on its way. Choose to change what is on its way to you. 

I much prefer to have good things on their way.  I consciously expect and believe that whatever is good for me is on its way to me because I consciously choose my thoughts that feel good.

First you experience. Then you respond to it. Become a deliberate creator, by deciding to direct your thoughts. Use focus and practice to choose different thoughts. If you want things to change to different things, you must first think different thoughts. The one thing that prevents you from receiving something you desire is that your habit of thought is different from your desire.

Here is the greatest challenge human beings face.  Stop making things up.  Be in the moment.  Be here now.  Allow the gift you sent yourself in this moment.  This is the purpose of all of life.  Life is a process of ongoing and never ending re-creation.

Remove our thoughts about who we think we are and then we’ll know we really are soul, mind and body.  We are part and parcel of God.  Instead of pre-serving who we think we are, we must pre-serve who we really are.  Pre-serving a creator infused human being is pre-serving us to a higher level of consciousness.  This cannot bring us down, as our thoughts can.  It is faster and a higher energy than we receive when we pre-serve only to our thoughts.

When all is said, and done, imagine how you would feel living in a time of world peace while knowing you had a part in creating it.  Happiness would be a big part of every moment.  And after all, isn’t that what we’ve all wanted all along?

Creating a plan for achieving world peace has its challenges.  One challenge is learning the paths required to get to world peace.  Another is believing and eventually knowing I am on the correct path to attain my goal.  The biggest challenge, so far, has been living the directions I am suggesting will get us to world peace.  How can I expect others to go there if I have not gone there myself? If I want to have you experience feeling good in every moment of your life how can I help you get there when I am not there myself?  I am practicing, in many moments, more than I was before.  I am better than I was before.

Where does one start?  What are the steps from here to there?  How does one write articles on how to achieve world peace when one does not have a complete plan on how to do that?  From my knowledge, it has not been done before on this earth.  I cannot ask another person on earth what that was like because nobody on earth has that experience.  For many of my answers, I’ve asked and I’ve received.  I’m also getting better at that.  I’m better than I was before.  I don’t have all the answers.  What I do know, without doubt, is that since starting this project, I’ve had many, many moments in which I’ve experienced a good feeling while having the thought that I was better than I was before.

For most of our lives we’ve lived with focus on thoughts from our mind and actions of our body. We operated at a very low vibrational level because we were ignoring our soul.  From here forward we will live our lives focused on our feelings and stop ignoring our soul.  This will move us to a higher vibrational level of consciousness.  Elevating the conversation, focusing on peace thinking, and moving from being thought-focused to feeling-focused, raises the vibrational level of consciousness.

The higher self is not up, or further up, but rather of a higher vibrational energy.  This does not place me, or you, higher or lower than anyone else.  You (body + soul + mind) are simply existing at a higher vibrational level than before.  You are better than you were before.

When enough people think thoughts in alignment with enough other people, a tipping point is reached in which the rest of the non-aligned people will become aligned in their thinking as well.  Elevate the conversation.

For example, as more people consciously think higher thoughts of peace, aligning them with many other people thinking thoughts of peace, eventually a tipping point is reached in which the rest of the non-peace thinking people will become aligned in peace thinking as well. This will make world peace possible even without people of terror becoming instruments of peace. A tipping point is reached when the masses have added so many peace thoughts to the Mind to the point that people of terror will have their minds changed to peace thoughts even without their consent.  You have choice.  People of terror will not.

Separate yourself from current events. Changing all the events in the world will not bring about world peace.  Changing consciousness will.  Move feelings from being the least important decision maker in your life to being the mostimportant decision maker in your life.

You are not in charge of how much love is in your soul.  You are not in charge of how much love is in your body.  You are, however, in charge of how much love is in your mind.  You are therefore in charge of how much love you are being.

Every struggle that people have is a struggle with what people have placed in their minds. The struggle is never with their soul or with their body although it could be a struggle with what they have placed in their minds about their soul or their body.

Do you ever feel like a failure?  God says there is no failure!  There are only experiences.  And each of them is created and a creation cannot be a failure.  Experiences are, however, lessons.  You learn from those experiences, or you don’t learn from them.  Either way, God is teaching each of us through our experiences.  It’s God’s favorite way of communicating with us and is in many cases the answer portion of ask and you shall receive.

You’re either open to learning from your experiences or you’re not.  Either way, it is your free will choice that you and you alone are making.  Changing your beliefs from being a failure to being a success is a change in consciousness that will take you closer to inner peace.  It’s as simple as changing your mind and it will simply change your life.  Make the change, consciously.

For centuries many have attempted to describe God.  All of the descriptions created by man minimize who and what God is.  God is so much more than man is capable of describing God as.  The truest sign of a primitive culture is a culture that thinks it knows God.

So, let’s get over ourselves, and our need to create an accurate description of who and what God is.  Allow God to be, just as God decided to be, nothing more, nothing less.  No matter your description of God, God will still be whatever God was before you described God.  God is what God is!

To have an experience with a thought that God is love, joy, peace, harmony, unity and oneness feels good.  To have an experience with a thought that God is fear, anger, greed, shame, duality and chaos does not feel good.  Think about the things you’ve been taught about God that are now stored in your mind.  Change your mind about all of the bad things you were taught about God and notice how much better you feel. You will be changing your consciousness about that man-made God and know God, as what God really is.

If you learned that by taking two extra breaths of air every hour you would extend your life by two years, would you create a habit of taking those two extra breaths?  What if twenty extra breaths extended your life twenty extra years?  Would that convince you to create the habit?  What about creating a habit of changing your thoughts consciously every moment?  Would it be worth the work required to develop the habit?  What would motivate you to create that habit?

On earth, today, every hour, 400 children are dying of starvation.  How do you think the creator feels as we allow each of these children to starve?  How do you feel?  Do you think those children were brought into this world to experience starvation?  How do their parents feel?  How would you feel if you were one of those parents?  If you were God, what would you do?  You are not God but you are a creator!  Are you willing to create a new consciousness, in you, knowing that it could lead to feeding the world, thus stopping 400 children per hour from dying of starvation?

Allow consciousness change.  Your body and soul are consciousness already and need not make that change.  Your mind is the only place where a consciousness change is needed in order for you to participate in being an instrument of creating world peace.

Consciousness is very powerful. So powerful in fact that all events, happenings, occurrences are created out of it.  There is individual consciousness and there is group consciousness as when two or more are gathered in his name and finally there is mass consciousness. Individual consciousness is powerful enough but imagine when groups unleash their creative energy.  And mass consciousness is so powerful it can create events and circumstances affecting the whole world and may result in planetary consequences.

Around the world today we have a consciousness that it is someone else who is responsible, or at fault, for us not having world peace. That consciousness includes blaming others for what they are doing to cause the absence of world peace. This is an example of mass consciousness creating what mass consciousness can.

Emotions are energy in motion.  All human actions are motivated by emotions.  Emotions serve as the fuel that powers human actions, with only two primary emotions at the helm: fear and love.  Every human thought, and every human action, is based in either love or fear.  There is no other human motivation, and all other ideas are but derivatives of these two.  Every thought, word, or deed is based on one emotion or the other.  You have no choice about this because there is nothing else from which to choose.  You, however, have free will to choose either one of these.

I want to emphasize the importance of feeling even more.  Let me explain.  I experienced a moment of joy as I read an email my daughter sent me.  She was delighted with the information I had sent her.  I experienced a feeling of joy in that moment.  Then I stopped to consider the entirety of the experience of that moment.  When I experienced that feeling of joy, in that moment, God also experienced that exact same feeling of joy.  In that moment, God and I shared that same feeling of joy.  God did not share one feeling of joy and me another.  It was that one feeling, that single feeling of joy that we both shared.  God and I shared that one feeling of joy, together, at the same time, in that exact same experience. 

We not only shared the feeling of joy but we shared the entire experience of that moment.  God could not feel what I feel, as I feel it, without being in my body, in each of my cells, where the feeling sensors are located.  By being in there, God can feel what I feel as I feel it.  By being in there, I can create, or co-create, the experience in the moment.  From now on, I can consciously create joyful moments knowing I am creating joyful moments for God to experience as well.  Wow!  Is that cool or what?  What a great feeling! What a great experience!

Knowing now that we create our own experiences, we soon come to the realization that we created every single experience of our life.  It is impossible to make a mistake in the process of creation.  There are therefore no mistakes in any of our past experiences.  All experiences are created without mistakes.  This means there were no mistakes in our past either because our past is a sequence of our experiences.  You are exactly where you are in this moment because of the experiences of your life, which you created.  Everything that you create is perfect just as it is and that includes you and your experiences.

You have the power to create what you wish to experience in your life.  So, go ahead and create each new experience for the rest of your life.  Create your life as you want it to be.  You are wondrous magnificence.

Moreover, you possess the ability to revisit and modify a past experience, to recall or “re-member” it in your present experience. After all, it was your creation initially.  Request the mind to unearth the experience you wish to reshape, and it shall be resurrected as per your specifications.  Infuse it with more joy or other positive emotions, and you reshape it anew.

An emotion signifies energy in motion, a force beckoning energy to action. The strength of an emotion directly correlates with the amount of energy it summons. Profound emotions reveal your focused desires, pulling significant energy towards them. In crafting an experience, you can intentionally introduce an emotion, determining the level of energy you wish to set in motion.

We only have so much emotional energy each day.  Unless, of course, we don’t!  Do we have the same amount of energy every day?  We take in food, oxygen and water and our body converts it to physical energy.  By using that energy, we put that energy into motion.  The importance of this process grows with the possibility of modifying emotions stored with each experience.

Augmenting your energy begins with attracting emotions of higher frequency. By doing so, you augment your existing energy levels. Conversely, attracting emotions of lower frequency can diminish your energy.  In the quest for increased vitality and productivity, consciously introducing higher-frequency emotions to your experiences proves invaluable.  It equates to consciously raising your energy.

Think back to moments in your life when you harbored anger—whether in your childhood, adolescence, or adulthood.  Reflect on the causes behind this anger during those episodes.  At that time, within those experiences, you inadvertently imbued anger into the mix.  It was a choice, a decision made without awareness of its enduring implications.  This emotion, once intertwined with the experience, continued to define it for all time.  Worse still, it acted as a beacon, summoning further instances of anger into your life.

Now that you comprehend this intricate process, you can revolutionize your approach to life—both your present and your future.  From this point onward, life becomes a matter of conscious selection rather than blind reaction.  You can opt to infuse the present moment with positive emotions, an act of conscious choice.  You hold the reins.  Your free will, inherent from birth, empowers you to decide, should you so choose.

Attraction works on everything.  When you expect something, it is on the way.  When you believe something, it is on the way.  When you fear something, it is on the way.  If you don’t like what you are attracting, change who you are being.

Much of what you engage in today is merely a replay of past actions. Over time, you established patterns and repeated those actions. Your mind meticulously retained these patterns as components of your experiences. These blueprints shape your present reality, as they are the source of your responses and reactions.

What we experience, we become.  What we experience becomes a part of our mind and thus a part of who we are.  For example, think about smiling at a friend.  Hold that thought for a moment and then let it go.  Now think about what you are reading here.  That smile experience is now stored in your mind.  You have just become a person who owns that stored smile experience.  You have become that.  What you experience, you become. 

You did that.  Nobody did that for you or to you.  You are now that.  You became that when you created that experience.  You created that experience, in its entirety.  You are a creator.  God created you that way.  God created you with the ability to create, and while you are doing your creating, for you to also experience your creation, and in that process, allow God to experience you creating.

Once you acknowledge that you exist as a trinity of mind, body, and soul, you embrace the opportunity for continuous creation.  Your entire life, every event and occurrence, serves as a platform for crafting, healing, or experiencing in alignment with your true self.  Within every happening and occurrence, the authentic you can shine through.

Extend a warm hug to someone, and God partakes in the warmth of that embrace. Not only does God share in the hug you bestow, but also in the joy experienced by the recipient. You, therefore, bestow a dual gift, as God basks in both the act of giving and receiving the hug. Likewise, this holds true for joy, love, peace, harmony, unity, and more. Each instance creates a ripple of positivity, ensuring that God, too, enjoys this shared experience.