My Plan

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Every individual is born with a life plan, a purpose for their existence.  This plan, known by the soul, encompasses the why, what, and who we are meant to be, learn, and accomplish in our lifetime.  Our soul communicates this plan to us not through words but through feelings.

My soul, in its wisdom, desires my conscious awareness to align with my life plan.  My soul knows my life plan.  My soul wants that part of me that is my body and my mind to know my soul plan too.  The soul sends feelings to me as a way of conveying the life plan.  Next, my body senses the feeling as it becomes part of the present experience.  My mind subsequently stores this experience, including the accompanying feeling.

In addition, my soul wants to feel the feeling as it arrives in my body.  To do that, the soul has placed itself inside of my body so it too can experience the feeling as it arrives.  In this way, my soul gets to know my plan experientially.

My soul is, as part of me, experiencing life’s feelings and the unfolding of my life plan.  This interconnectedness with the soul’s plan is a way for me to experience the divine.  By following my life plan and embracing positive feelings, I can achieve a sense of fulfillment and well-being.

My soul wants my life plan brought to fruition through experiences I create.  My soul sends me feelings.  My soul is a part of me.  I, therefore, am sending me feelings.   Those feelings become part of my experience and are stored in my mind.  It is in this way that I create my own experiences.

By experiencing my life plan my soul experiences its own purpose.  Through these shared experiences, my soul is also in communion with the divine, for it is within me, and God and I together are shaping these experiences.

There is a global yearning for strong feeling experiences and the search for positive emotions.  People often seek better feelings and blame others for their negative emotions.  Encourage individuals to pay attention to their positive feelings and strive to create more of them, akin to the way they would seek out enjoyable tastes or sensations.

Why do you think the world has such strong feeling experiences going on?  Pay attention.  As people around the world have their feelings ignored, even by themselves because they are unaware, then there is an ever-growing need inside those people to genuinely feel good.

When they don’t get it one place, they try another, while not knowing that they are searching for that better feeling.  They blame others as that is what they learned to do from others, who also blame others, for their bad feelings.  All the while everyone is going around trying to find that good feeling that someone else is keeping from them.  Everyone is looking to someone else in an attempt to feel better.  Too bad they don’t know that they can create them.

When we eat something that tastes good, we want to eat it again soon.  Likewise, for sound, smell, etc.  And yet, when we feel good, we often pay no attention to where those feelings are coming from.  It’s time we started noticing our good feelings and strive to repeat them as well.  It would be for our own good and well-being.

The intensification of emotional experiences in the world is a result of individuals whose feelings have been ignored or repressed. These individuals, consciously or subconsciously, seek genuine feelings of well-being, and the world is a place where people often blame others for their negative emotions. The journey to finding better feelings often leads individuals to look outside themselves for answers, unaware that they have the capacity to create positive feelings from within.