Revised: Nov 23, 2023

I grapple with the knowledge that I’ve gained so much understanding, yet at times, struggle to turn that knowledge into actionable steps.  This is a relatable challenge; it’s common to acquire knowledge and insights but find it difficult to translate them into meaningful actions.

How can I motivate others to take sustainable actions when I haven’t always done the same for myself?  While I’ve learned a great deal and taken many actions, the process has been slower than expected.  I suspect many of you will experience the same thing.  Everyone is at a different point in their readiness to elevate their energy level and will progress at their own pace along their unique soul path.  I’m also moving at my own pace, aligned with my soul’s path.

Growing up on a farm in central Minnesota in the 1950s as the eldest of thirteen children was a remarkable experience.  Reflecting on those years over half a century later, I find it awe-inspiring.  Many times during that journey, something on the farm would break down, whether it was a tool, a tractor, or a piece of machinery.  Regardless of what broke, I’d either fix it and carry on or seek my dad’s advice. His response was often, “Well, fix it!” to which I’d reply, “I don’t know how.”  His retort was, “Well, figure it out.”  Throughout my teens, and even before, I heard “Well, figure it out.” repeated over and over.  At the time I hated hearing it.  Little did I know just how well that process would serve me in my future.  It played a large part in getting me here, to this point in my life.

What I did not know at that young age was that I could’ve asked God.  As a child I didn’t understand how that worked.  Ask and you shall receive was something I heard of before but it was never explained to me in the way that I understand it today.

The fascinating part is that I didn’t fully comprehend how to “Ask and you shall receive,” yet I was doing it anyway.  Do you realize that you are doing it too?  In the beginning of learning this I believed I had to physically ask by saying the words out loud and expected to hear answers audibly.  In some cases seeking answers involves engaging the mind and asking for answers in thought or wonder.

My journey includes the realization that I could turn to God for answers and that “Ask and you shall receive” played a significant role in the creation of this peace project. The co-creative aspect of this process, involving both me and God, is emphasized.

Can a person, a human being, figure this out?  When you attempt to figure something out, aren’t you asking your mind for an answer?  Can you place an image of a problem in your mind and start wondering how to solve the problem?  We’ve been asking and receiving our entire lives.

The plan also outlines this massive undertaking: writing a plan aimed at creating world peace when no prior resources or schools existed to teach this.  I had one place to go: I could turn to God. “Ask and you shall receive” led to the creation of this plan.  God and I were co-creators of this plan, just as you and God are co-creators, and together we will contribute to the creation of world peace.  Humans have attempted many things in the name of peace, yet the observable truth is that past and present efforts are not bringing about peace.

I believe that the information contained in this plan will provide readers with the knowledge to find their own truth and empower them to contribute to achieving world peace.  Embarking on the goal of writing a plan that, when read and followed by enough humans, would bring about world peace was a monumental undertaking.

There’s no school on Earth that can teach you what you will learn while reading this plan.  Does this idea make you apprehensive or skeptical?  Continue reading, and you will discover how to know your truth beyond any doubt.  This knowledge will free you from relying on others for your truth.

Achieving world peace isn’t something I can accomplish alone. I don’t claim to possess all the answers, and I’m aware that I’ve received many answers I don’t fully understand yet. Some answers have led to even more questions that I haven’t had the time to ask and receive answers to.

My consciousness of who I am has significantly expanded since I began this journey.  Humans have been attempting to change circumstances for centuries in their pursuit of peace, but the observable truth reveals that it hasn’t worked. According to God, a change in circumstances isn’t what’s needed; instead, we require a change in consciousness to attain world peace.  How can we change our consciousness?  Continue reading, and you’ll learn how I changed mine.