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Free Tools To Help You Spread The Peace Plan Around The World

Many people have now started using the QR Code, below, as their cell phone wallpaper so they can quickly and easily hand the world peace plan to others. Simply have your friend focus their camera on the QR Code and bingo, they have the world peace plan in their hands too. Purchase for $0.00, download and install as wallpaper. That simple!

Curated Visual Brilliance

Because of visitor requests, you can now explore, purchase and own meticulously curated, premium PNG images to download and print.  Transform your surroundings with our carefully selected collection of over 50 images, each perfectly aligned with the engaging articles on our website.

The .PNG format ensures compatibility with Canon, Kodak and other photo printing machines available at stores worldwide.

Additionally, dive into the world of inspiration with our 346-page eBook, conveniently downloadable in .PDF format, ready to be enjoyed on your cell phone, computer, or eBook reader.

Png images

Book pdf