The Divine Harmony Of The Body

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

In this article, we explore the remarkable processes that occur within the human body as it develops and maintains itself.  It raises intriguing questions about the actions of individual cells and how they collectively build and sustain the body.

As I ponder the intricacies of my own body, I am struck by the extraordinary processes that occur within it. For example, when the initial cell of my body began to multiply and give rise to a multitude of other cells, which one of those cells was the first to initiate the construction of my heart?  How many cells were involved in the process of starting my heart’s rhythmic beating, and how did they know when and how to orchestrate this miraculous event?  Furthermore, how did these cells continue to maintain this vital function throughout my life, ensuring that my heart would beat around 2.5 billion times in my lifetime?

Reflecting on the inception of my existence, I started as a single cell. Now, I am comprised of trillions of cells, with around 55 trillion cells in my adult body. These cells work in perfect unison, carrying out countless functions every second, all contributing to the proper functioning of my body. They accomplish this with incredible harmony and cooperation. The awe-inspiring question arises: How is it that God does nothing, yet nothing remains undone? This phenomenon is not exclusive to our bodies, as it pertains to every facet of life. Even within the context of building and maintaining our bodies, we do nothing, and yet nothing is left undone.

Every human body consists of trillions of cells, each of which coexists harmoniously with the others. While the world’s population consists of approximately eight billion individuals, we often struggle to get along with each other. In contrast, the cells within our bodies listen to a higher source—God—and thus manage to coexist in perfect harmony. Perhaps it is time for us to change who we choose to listen to and learn from the wisdom that guides our cells.

Would humans get along better if we listened to God?

People:        About 8 billion on earth

Cells:           About 50 trillion in each body

People:        Listen to other people

Cells:           Listen to God

People:        Do not get along harmoniously

Cells:           Get along harmoniously

There are over 6,000 times more cells in a human body than there are people on earth and yet the cells live in harmony and the people do not.  Would people be better served by listening to God?

Imagine for a moment if our cells acted like people, bickering and quarreling over inconsequential matters.  What if cells within one eye decided to feud with cells in the other eye?  What if cells in one finger held a grudge against those in another?  Consider the absurdity of some cells deciding to make one of our ears start flapping.  Fortunately, the cells in our wondrously magnificent bodies never engage in such senseless disputes.  Instead, they live in perfect harmony with each other.

I marvel at the wisdom and consciousness exhibited by our cells in executing their roles without human direction.

Our bodies are composed of trillions of cells, all functioning harmoniously to maintain our well-being.  They replace worn-out or damaged cells continuously, ensuring that our bodies remain in optimal condition.  By age seven, every single cell in our bodies, which we were born with, has been replaced by a new one.  There is an inherent wisdom within our cells that guides them in this process.  We don’t have to instruct our bodies, saying, “Go fix that finger I just cut.” They already know what to do, almost as if they have a collective consciousness.

What if the cells of your skin decided to no longer be your skin?  It has happened and is happening!  It took you more than a second to read this sentence.  During that time, over 400 of your skin cells left your body.  Did you select the ones that left?  Over a million skin cells are replaced on the human body every hour.  Our entire skin is replaced once a month.  Generic material is replaced every six weeks.  How do the cells know to do that?

Scientists have proven this but you still may not believe it.  You may not like it, as it seems rather gross to have parts of you sprinkled like bread crumbs wherever you go.  But, it happens and keeps happening and you have no control over it.  It is simply your wondrously magnificent body doing what it was created to do.  Imagine too, that by age seven, every single cell in your entire body, that you were born with, has been replaced by a new one.  They all have that knowingness.

How did the cells know to build our lungs with an oxygen-extracting surface the size of a tennis court?  How did they know the exact size of the lungs required for our bodies?  The cells orchestrate the formation of goosebumps, tears in our eyes, and the entire cardiovascular system.  They constructed our brains, along with all our senses, and embedded instinct and human nature within us.  These feats are accomplished by our cells, and I have marveled at how I, as a human, could never replicate such intricate processes.

In 2016, a Japanese scientist at the Tokyo Institute of Technology won the Nobel Peace Prize in medicine.  He was cited for “brilliant experiments” that illuminated autophagy in which cells gobble up damaged or worn out pieces of themselves.  He showed how a cell can dispose of and recycle its garbage.  The cell even knows how and when to do that.  Once again, we witness the manifestation of God consciousness in our cells, orchestrating the harmony of our entire bodies.

The divine harmony of the wondrously magnificent human body.