11. The Formula For World Peace

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

In one of Neale Donald Walsch’s ‘Conversations With God’ books, he quotes God as saying, “This one simple change – seeking and finding peace within – could, were it undertaken by everyone, end all wars, eliminate conflict, prevent prejudice, and bring the world to everlasting peace.  There is no other formula necessary, or possible.  What is needed is not a change in circumstance but a change in consciousness.”

Take note of the statement, “There is no other formula necessary, or possible.” This means there is no alternative formula for achieving world peace.  This is the sole formula capable of bringing about world peace.

The passage underscores the significance of this formula for achieving world peace, implying that it is a fundamental and irreplaceable concept.

World peace is a personal thing.  World peace will be attained one person at a time.  We can be grateful that we have todays technology to assist in the process of changing the minds of millions of people quickly.  My own beliefs and consciousness have undergone changes, and further transformations will occur in the upcoming articles and I invite readers to anticipate their own changes as they continue reading.

God says we have forgotten who we really are.  I understand that to mean we remember our bodies and our minds, but we have forgotten our souls.  By bringing our souls back into our consciousness we can again live in harmony with who we really are.  This is one of the changes in consciousness which will advance us to world peace.