Think By Chance Or By Choice

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

I stated earlier that you would learn a new way of thinking by reading this.  Here are descriptions of your old way of thinking, by chance and your new way of thinking by choice.

The process of chance: (Your old way of thinking.)

  • You have a thought.
  • You have a feeling about that thought.
  • You disregard the feeling.
  • You act on the thought.
  • Your experience is stored in the mind.
  • Your stored experience attracts similar experiences.

The process of choice: (Your new way of thinking.)

  • You have a thought.
  • You have a feeling about that thought.
  • You notice the feeling.
  • The feeling is good. You go to the next step.
  • The feeling is not good.  You consciously choose a new thought and repeat this process.
  • You act on the thought and feeling.
  • Your experience is stored in the mind.
  • Your stored experience attracts similar experiences.

Notice that both steps contain feelings, thoughts and actions.  The choice process is how you were created to notice your feelings and act naturally.  The chance process is what you yourself have created to ignore your feelings and act normally.  Ignoring your feelings is ignoring your soul.

The “process of choice” represents the new way of thinking, where feelings play a crucial role. It encourages the active choice of thoughts and actions based on the presence of good feelings. This process highlights the importance of recognizing and acting upon your feelings consciously.

You have the power to choose between these two processes, but the choice process aligns with your true nature, allowing you to live your life consciously by aligning your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

The choice process is your new way of thinking provided, of course, that you have chosen to notice your feelings.  You may find it easier to stay with your old way of thinking.  You have free will to make that choice as well.  Know that your choice is your ability to respond or your response ability in action.  No one else has responsibility for your noticing your feelings or not noticing your feelings.  It is your responsibility and only yours.

Embrace this shift in thinking, as it aligns with their true nature and allows you to live a life more in tune with your soul’s path.

Your previous actions may have been normal for you but they may also have been unnatural for you.  Following the choice process steps will move you from what you did normally to what you do naturally.  This process will align you with your very nature.  You will start living your life by choice instead of by chance.

Everything that happens to you is caused by what you think in your mind and what you believe in your heart.  Your mind plays a significant part in both causing and relieving stress and in building confidence.

When you think lots of good thoughts your mind fills with good thoughts.  Then your mind attracts more good thoughts.  You feel good.  This attracts even more good feelings.  Your life becomes better.  Your life fills with goodness.  You become good energy.  You are good energy.  You attract more good energy.

World peace can be achieved more rapidly by those who consciously create their thoughts and foster good feelings.  Take charge of your thoughts, create peace of mind, and fill your mind with thoughts of love, joy, harmony, unity, and oneness to attain peace and well-being.

Our beliefs about ourselves come from our thoughts about ourselves. If I was in a car accident and lost all of my memory, I would no longer have any thoughts or beliefs in my mind about who I was.  So, before the accident I could think things about myself such as, I’m bad, I’m mean, I’m dumb, I’m ugly, and so forth.  After the accident, I wouldn’t think or believe any of those thoughts.  Yet, I’d be the same person. 

We certainly don’t need car accidents to change our minds. We’ve allowed our thoughts to make us into who we are, instead of learning who we are, and making our thoughts coincide with that.

Stress is something our mind gives to our body.  It is also only our mind that can remove it.  To put stress on the body is to put force, pressure or strain upon it.  Change your stress by changing your mind. For example, I put the thought into my mind that I will be late for work and could be fired.  This fear puts stress on my body.  Or I put the thought in my mind that I’ll be on time and have a great day.  No fear and no stress.  Either way I’ll arrive at the same time.

Confidence does not come naturally to many people.  Even the most successful people have struggled with it in their careers.  You can develop confidence, just like any muscle or character trait, if you’re willing to work at it.  Step out of your comfort zone.  Don’t compare yourself with others.  Compare yourself to what you were before.  Ask yourself, “Am I better than I was before?”  You, and only you, are in charge of that.  Decide to be better than you were before.  Your confidence will grow naturally.

People who depend on thoughts, absent noticed feelings, will move slowly on the path to world peace.  People who depend on thoughts and the good feelings surrounding those thoughts will move quickly on the path to world peace. Get a move on.

Looking back on my life, how would it have changed had I gone from just thinking to consciously creating my thoughts on purpose and did that with the idea in mind that I was creating a future more closely aligned with the path of my soul?

We heard for years that all people want peace of mind.  What is peace of mind? To create peace of mind, place more thoughts of peace into your mind.  Fill your mind with thoughts of peace and you will affect peace in your mind.  Do this with thoughts of love, joy, harmony, unity and oneness as these words are all interchangeable with peace. Your mind will become full of peace.

Become conscious of your feelings, adopt a more mindful approach to thinking, and make choices that lead to a life aligned with their true nature and filled with goodness.