Revised: Nov 23, 2023

List of things to accomplish to attain and maintain world peace.

  • 1) Embrace the peace plan.  A change in our consciousness is the only solution to attain world peace.
    1. Come to learn.
    2. Leave to teach.
  • 2) Experience your change in consciousness.
    1. Share the experience.
    2. Teach everyone you know.
  • 3) The change in consciousness
    1. This Peace Plan is a great start at helping humans create their very own change in consciousness.
    2. Live it.  People will notice.  Truth is observable.
    3. Teach to the masses.
    4. Technology, especially social media on the Internet, will provide word of mouth on steroids to help spread the peace plan around the world quickly.
  • 4) Institutions
    1. The changes in consciousness achieved in this step will play a huge role in changing institutions.  Institutions are run by humans and as those humans learn, and grow the changes in consciousness, those changes will permeate throughout their institutions.
    2. Language translations, which many will provide, will help to reach all corners of the world.
    3. Protests against war will migrate to parades for peace.
    4. Instead of seeking fault, cultures will seek solutions.
    5. Religious beliefs will become decentralized.
      1. Clergy will relinquish acting as the source.
      2. Clergy will promote God as the true source.
  • 5) Institution changes
    1. Family – a return to a fundamental social institution with cultural values.
    2. Media – will replace fear, as their tool to gain and maintain viewership – – – with love, joy, peace, harmony, unity and oneness to inform viewers.
      1. People will choose between fear and love
        1. People will distance themselves from fear.
        2. People will embrace love.
      2. Healthcare – services become body-based vs profit-based.
      3. Military – will be used only to gain or maintain world peace.
        1. Today, the world’s militaries spend over one million dollars a minute.  Less will be spent which can then be put to better use.
      4. Science and Research – noticing feelings will become part of their decision-making process.
      5. Social Welfare – all human basic needs will be met.
      6. Environment – world peace includes nature.
        1. When one loves nature one will quit harming nature.
      7. Government – humans will bring their consciousness change into their elected offices.
      8. Politics – History reveals, politics justifies. History uncovers, tells all. Politics covers; tells only one side.
        1. Politicians hate history written truthfully. History, truly written, speaks not so well of politicians, either.
        2. Politicians, who are also humans, will also experience a consciousness change.
      9. Business – humans will bring their consciousness change to work, at all levels.
      10. Religion – will evolve to promote:
        1. Listening to God more
        2. Listening to religious leaders less.
      11. Education – teaching children what to think will evolve to teaching children how to think.
        1. Knowledge:
          1. When we give our children knowledge, we are telling them what to think, telling them what they are supposed to know, what we want them to understand as true.
        2. Wisdom:
          1. When we give our children wisdom, we do not tell them what to know, or what is true, but, rather, how to get to their own truth.
  • A certain amount of knowledge must be passed on, but as little as possible. Let the child discover for itself. 
    1. Knowledge is lost. 
    2. Wisdom is forever.
  • 6) Do not judge who needs this plan.
    1. Instead, share the plan with all.
    2. Allow everyone the free will to choose for themselves.
  • 7) Embracing world peace.
    1. Start by reading this peace plan.
    2. Allow it to become part of who you are.
    3. With each reread of the plan, allow even more insight.
    4. Occasionally return to this plan as more will be added
    5. However, your ultimate goal moving forward should be;
      1. to ask your own questions of God,
      2. and listen,
      3. and receive,
      4. and allow,
      5. and know who you really are;
        1. mind, body and soul.
      6. Enjoy yet another feeling of accomplishment.
      7. Go and teach.
  • 8) (receiving – more on its way)