You, A Creator

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

Think about something you invented.  What have you built that is different than anything you know of?  When you place words together into a sentence, do you think of that sentence as an invention?  At one point, that sentence was the first time you assembled those words into that sentence for you, by you.  You created that sentence. Since words are energy and sentences are energy, then you manipulated energy.  Since everything is energy, you can create using energy to make other energy.  You can invent.  You can build.  You can create.  You are a creator.

Most people are unaware of their creative abilities and the role they play in shaping their experiences.  Who would ever think they were creating when they spoke a sentence?  Notice how a consciousness change is occurring in you.  It’s that easy and painless.

We manipulate energy through our thoughts, and since everything is energy, we are inherently creators.  Recognize that you are continuously creating and influencing your experiences.

In the idea of truth and knowing, truth is unchanging and the soul, as the source of feeling, represents truth.  Trust your higher self and the feelings that guide you in discerning truth.  Focus on positive thoughts and emotions to attract more positivity into your life.  The importance of gratitude and trust in the creative process is all important.

As a young man I did not know that some of my thoughts could be hurting me.  I also did not know that some of my thoughts were helping me.  I did not know I could choose to consciously create my thoughts so that all of them would help me.

I did not know I could create thoughts.  I did not realize I was creating by creating my experiences in every moment.  I thought things just happened to me.  I did not know I could create a happening.  I did not know I was creating each experience or happening as I was experiencing it.  I also did not know that in all cases I created all of my experiences.

Upbringing and belief systems establish people’s worldviews.  People’s beliefs are based on the information they have been exposed to and these beliefs shape their experiences.  Be aware of the power of your thoughts and choose positive, love-based thoughts over fear-based ones.

Imagine an idea coming to you out of the blue.  You weren’t thinking about it at all.  Your thoughts were on something completely different.  At times, this is how the universe delivers what we ask for.  Some time, before now, you were thinking about something related to the idea.  You got sidetracked and quit thinking about the idea. 

But before you did, you requested more info about the idea.  Maybe it was something as simple as saying ‘I wonder .  .  .  .  about this idea’.  You may have had the same idea come to you quicker if you would have become silent right after wondering.  We cannot force a thought to form a completely new thought or idea.  We can only attract.  And we attract by defining and stating clearly and then by allowing.

Allowing means listening.  It may be difficult for you to listen.  It may be even more difficult to listen and at the same time clear your mind of all thought.  One way to do that is to place yourself in a peaceful spot.  Then relax and start breathing deeply.  Concentrate on each breath in and each breath out.  Once you have achieved concentration, listen to the sounds of your breath.

Trust in the value of your insight.  When you are given an idea or thought or invention, treat it as very important.  It is!  Everything happens for a reason.  The reason you were given the idea, thought or invention is because it is an answer to your request and it coincides with your soul plan.

Treat all your thoughts as important.  Do the same when you get an intuitive flash!  When a thought leaps into your mind!  When you get an intuitive feeling that something is right!  When that small voice within speaks to you! Listen!  Listen to your gut!  Your gut will speak to you, in the language of the soul with feeling.

You can think you know something but until you sense that you know for sure, you do not feel that you know.  Without doubt!  See a bumblebee fly.  It knows it can fly.  And scientists can prove the bumblebee cannot fly.  The earth is round.  We know it is round.  And yet, for centuries, the human race believed that it was flat.  For centuries humans also believed the earth was the center of the universe.  Now we know that the sun is the center of our solar system and our solar system is just a tiny speck in the universe.

For centuries humans knew that humans couldn’t fly and yet today millions of humans fly every day.  Today our knowingness has changed to know we can fly.  Notice how our knowingness has changed over the years and yet the truth has not.  Our soul and the feelings it sends us are truth, always.  Our minds and what is in them is not always truth.  Too often we have been satisfied with information that is too far removed from the source.  Ask and you shall receive from the source.

Know your higher self.  This is the self that is mind, body and soul.  You do not have to create God as that has been done.  You need only allow God into your mind.  God is already in your soul and in your body.  Let God into your mind and you will know your higher self.

Changing your mind is simply choosing again.  In most cases, we do it without conscious thought about changing our minds.  In order for you to change your mind you must already have something in your mind to change from.  You know you cannot choose when there is only one thing to select. 

For example, you cannot choose love if love is the only thing to choose from.  You can choose love when you have both anger and love to choose from.  You can also choose anger if you so choose.  When you choose, which do you choose?  Do you realize you are choosing in every single moment of your life?  How have the choices you have made in your life, so far, served you?

The process goes something like this.  You gather enough information into your mind to convince you that what you know is true.  Others believe it too.  You have the evidence.  You do this often enough and long enough and you know it for sure, without a doubt.  This becomes your truth. 

Notice that I said, “becomes” your truth.  In the act of becoming, it experiences change in order to become what it becomes.  Truth does not change, ever.  Therefore, your thoughts cannot become truth.  They are or they aren’t truth – nothing more, nothing less.

Truth was truth before you started thinking about it.  Can you simply think about something long enough to make it a truth, or is a truth a truth before you start thinking about it?  Can you think about something that is an untruth and eventually make it a truth?  No!  Likewise, can you think about something that is truth and eventually make it untrue?  Also no!

When I say “I know!”, who and what am I speaking for?  I am made up of three parts, my mind, my body and my soul.  When I say, “I know!” am I speaking for my body and my soul or just for my mind?  Can I know anything, for sure, without including my soul which is my truth?

This plan is filled with my truth.  You are reading my truth.  How will you know which parts are true for you?  Very simply!  As you read, notice your feelings about what you are reading.

Everything in this book came from my mind.  Everything in this book came from the Mind.  Some things in this book came from the minds of others.  All three of these statements are true.  Here’s how that can be?  Thought originated when the creator created thought and placed it in the Mind.  All humans receive thought into their individuated minds from the Mind through attraction.  Humans also receive thoughts from other humans. 

In order for me to write this entire plan, I needed at some point to have all of the thoughts in this plan in my mind.  This holds true whether I received the thoughts from others or directly from the Mind.  As with everything, there is also oneness in and with the Mind.

Trillions of super tiny particles, called neutrinos, zip through our bodies every second.  We do not see or feel them but we know they are there.  They are similar to radio waves and they come from the sun and stars and come from all directions. 

They do not collide and explode.  They get along harmoniously.  They zip through space at close to the speed of light.  Scientists claim that about 60 billion solar neutrinos pass through our thumb nails every second.  Just as we cannot see those trillions of neutrinos, so too we cannot see the mind or its contents, out in the blue.  Scientists claim neutrinos exist as described here.  God says the mind exists as described here.  Which do you trust as your truth?  If you don’t believe what is written here, simply ask and you shall also receive your answer.

A life lived by choice is a life of conscious action.  A life lived by chance is a life of unconscious reaction.  Re-action is just that, an action you have taken before.  When you react, you search your memory bank for the same or nearly the same experience and act the way you did before.  This is all the work of the mind and not of the soul.

Be aware of and control your thoughts as you pray.  Think only good thoughts absent negativity and darkness.  Especially in moments when things look bleak express gratitude and joy will come your way.

Your world will follow your idea about yourself.  You have no choice in this matter as it is the only matter in which you have no free choice.  It is simply the way it is.  First, you’ll have the thought about yourself that you are mind, body and soul and this will lead to the outer world of physical manifestation.

What youthinkyoucreate
What youcreateyoubecome
What youbecomeyouexpress
What youexpressyouexperience
What youexperienceyouare
What youareyouthink

The circle is complete, and you have caused yourself to know this.  You have also caused yourself to care more than ever before who you really are, mind, body and soul.

That change of consciousness that we talked about earlier continues to occur.  We are moving closer to world peace, one human being at a time.

If a newborn baby was taken from a family with a certain religious belief and that baby was secretly exchanged with a newborn baby from a family with a competing religious belief, both babies would be raised with competing beliefs and those beliefs would become their own.

The babies, now adults, would only know their beliefs, and would not know they should have the competing beliefs.  Eventually these adults fight each other, each not knowing they are on the opposite side of what they were born to be raised as.  Logic would dictate that since both of them are on the wrong side there is no right side.  And if there is no right side then there cannot be a wrong side.  Or can they both be right and both be wrong?  And what about them would be right or wrong?  As you can see from this example, the difference between the right and the wrong is only the beliefs.  In other words, they are only right or wrong depending on what they have in their minds.

They each have individually placed into their minds everything that is in their minds.  Observe the condition and circumstances of the world today and then give thought to what part the human mind contributes to that condition and those circumstances.

While thinking of something, give a little thought to what the opposite is.  If you find you are also thinking in the area of the opposite, then you consciously know that you are thinking the opposite of what you want to be thinking.  At this point deliberately focus on the positive and only the positive of that something.

Love is a very high vibrational offering.  Fear is a very low vibrational offering.  Once you understand your emotions and the important messages they are giving you, you will not have to wait until something has manifested in your experience to understand what your vibrational offering has been – you can tell, by the way you feel, exactly where you are headed.

You have thoughts of a new idea.  The energy of attraction works on your most recent thoughts of that idea.  The energy of attraction works better when you have frequent thoughts of that idea.  It works even better when you focus on those frequent thoughts of that idea.  And it’s even better yet when you add emotion or feeling energy to your thoughts of that idea.

Consciously make the energy of attraction work for you.  Because the energy of attraction works on your most recent thoughts, make your new thoughts, as many as possible, thoughts of love, joy, peace, unity and you will be attracting more of each of them.

Do you want peace?  If so, ask for it.  Be careful of the wording of your request.  For example, do not say you want peace.  By saying you want peace you announce that you do not have peace.  If you do not have peace you cannot give peace.  If you do not have peace, then you cannot attract peace.  If you desire peace, thank God for peace, gift peace to another, and you will know you have peace or you could not have given it to another.  Gift peace and you will attract even more peace. 

In the moment you choose peace, in that moment human beings are instantly more peace full.  Thank God.  When gratitude replaces judgment, peace spreads throughout your body, gentleness embraces your soul, and wisdom fills your mind. 

Happiness is a state of mind.  With all states of mind, it produces itself in physical form.  All states of mind reproduce themselves.

Peace is a state of mind.  Think about it!  Deciding ahead of time what you choose to be will produce that in your experience.  Decide to be peace and you will produce peace in your experience.

Every thought you have is either sponsored by fear or it is sponsored by love. Although a thought could be sponsored by a derivative of one of these it ultimately breaks down to one of these. In the end there is only love. When fear is used effectively it is an outgrowth of and expresses love. A parent saving a child from a burning house is love expressed as fear. God is absolute love.

Love and fear are natural emotions. We are born with two fears, the fear of falling and the fear of loud noises.  The reason we are born with these two fears is simply to build in a bit of caution.  All other fears are learned responses.  We were taught these fears by our parents or learned them from our environment. 

Love and fear are tools given to you at birth to help you along your path in life. These natural emotions, when repressed as they are in most people, result in unnatural reactions and responses. Both emotions, when used as the gifts they are, assist you on your life path.

Decide ahead of time to be love or to be fear. Your choice will be produced in your experience. Your choice is that powerful. It’s that simple.

Imagine a life without love. A baby without love soon dies. 

Imagine a life without fear. Peace, joy, love, harmony, unity and oneness would guide you on a blissful soul path journey. 

Today’s normal human brings fear into their lives in many ways not even aware that they are making that choice. Notice the fear used on you while you watch or listen to the news. Fear of terrorists, evildoers, lawbreakers and much more. Notice the fear used on you as you attend a religious service. Fear of punishment, burning in hell, outcast and much more.  Other fears you bring on yourself such as fear of being late for work, not making payments on time, someone becoming angry at what you said or something you did. Notice where else you experience fear. Remove yourself from it. Choose to experience love instead. Do this by deciding ahead of time to be love and you will produce love in your experience. 

In human relationships be concerned only for yourself.  Make the highest choice for the self.  In oneness, this becomes the highest choice for another. The highest choice for one is the highest choice for all. 

For example, I could want my life partner to be love.  This is a mistake in that I should instead be love myself as that is a far higher choice than to attempt to choose for another. I cannot know what is best for my life partner who is on her soul path. Only she can do that. I can, however, know what is best for me on my soul path. Choose for self only and allow others their own choices.

Each choice is self-creative. Each choice defines you. Each choice gifts God seeking to know himself experientially. God is God in the act of creating himself. So too am I. My soul longs to do so too. This is that for which my spirit hungers. 

Notice your ongoing change in consciousness and the transformative impact it has on an individual’s being, especially in the pursuit of world peace.  Also notice the shifts in your consciousness and how it aligns them more closely with the path of your soul.

You have the ability to choose your thoughts and emotions consciously. This underlines that a change in consciousness is occurring in you and these changes are driving the world toward greater peace.