You Are A Creation Machine

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

You may find it hard to believe but you are a creation machine.  You are continually creating in every moment.  Your soul, body and mind are creating, and therefore, you are also creating.  You are not God but of God, so you can do this.

First and foremost, you create your own experiences.  We covered experiences earlier in this plan.  Try to stop yourself from creating your own present experience.  You cannot!  This is not a choice you were given.  These creations, every moment, are built right into you, a part of your very nature.  You create experiences naturally, along with many other creations.  This gives you experience at creating.  You may not have thought of it that way before but that is your truth whether you allow that truth into your mind or whether you deny it.  It is there, every moment, happening.  Think about it or not – it occurs, you create.  If you don’t think about it as it occurs, you are creating unconsciously, without your mind as an active participant.  If you think about it as it occurs, you are creating consciously, with your mind as an active participant.  Either way, you are creating.

Some of the things you create, consciously or unconsciously, are: sounds, movements, smiles, body heat, sweat, carbon dioxide, footsteps, hand gestures, urine, frowns, tears, feelings, thoughts, ideas, mental images, joy and desires.  These are just some examples of what you are creating, naturally.  Notice your thoughts as you read this!  Read this again, and notice your feelings as you read this!

You create happiness when you feel you are on your soul path.

Your thoughts are pure vibration, and they can and do create matter!  Thoughts are mental constructions, made up creations of your mind.  All that now exists was once imagined.  What you wish to exist must first be imagined.

Notice it says ‘wish’ and not ‘want’. Check your use of language and change it where necessary.  Change from using the word want.  When you want something, you cannot also have something.  While you are wanting you cannot also be having the same thing.  If you had something you would not be wanting something.  Instead of wanting something, which would indicate you don’t have it, be grateful for having it or having it be on its way to you.  In this way, ask and you shall receive kicks into gear and is active in making it happen.  You are manifesting it into your life instead of manifesting wanting into your life.

Strong emotions mean your desires are powerfully focused and that summons a great deal of energy towards your desire.

This quote is from “Conversations With God” by Neale Donald Walsch 

“You might call the three energies of you, thought, word and action.  All three put together produce a result, which is called a feeling, or experience.  Your soul is the sum total of every feeling you’ve ever had.  Your awareness of some of these is called your memory.  When you have a memory, you are said to re-member.  That is, to put back together.  To reassemble the parts.

When you reassemble all of the parts of you, you will have re-membered who you really are.

The process of creation starts with thoughts, an idea, conception, visualization.  Everything you see was once someone’s idea.  Nothing exists in your world that did not first exist as pure thought.

Thought is the first level of creation.

Next comes the word.  Everything you say is a thought expressed.  It is creative and sends forth creative energy into the universe.  Words are more dynamic, and some might say creative, than thought, because words are a different level of vibration from thought.  They disrupt, change, alter or affect, the universe with greater impact.

Words are the second level of creation.

Next comes action.

Actions are words moving.  Words are thoughts expressed.  Thoughts are ideas formed.  Ideas are energies come together.  Energies are forces released.  Forces are elements existent.  Elements are particles of God, portions of all, the stuff of everything.”

Now you, the you that is your mind, body, soul, can choose to know, without doubt.

Mind: Thoughts – convinced that one knows.

Body: Feelings – the sense of knowing is activated.

Soul: Actions – has sent the feeling of knowing to the body.

Unity: It all happens in the moment, the same experience.

Oneness: All are acting as one, the catalyst for creation, manifesting.

The experience stored in the mind has a tremendous energy, attracting what is known, to be made manifest.

Notice the soul action, above, stating that the feeling of knowing is sent to the body.  We’ve all experienced a moment in which we had a sense of knowing something, and thereby knowing that something for sure.  That feeling helped us to feel certain we knew that something without doubt.  Without this feeling of knowing, one may have doubt.  With this feeling, there is a sense of knowing, without doubt. 

This knowing is stronger than having thoughts or a belief of knowing which comes only from the mind.  Each sense of knowing is experienced in the body in the moment the feeling the soul has sent is felt or experienced in the body.  You cannot allow or disallow your soul from doing this, from sending you these feelings.  Your soul participates either way.  You can, however, choose to notice your soul’s participation in your experience of sensing your knowing.

You can use your imagination to create anything.  Your imagination works both ways.  You not only interpret energy, you create it.  Imagination is a function of your mind, which is one third of your three-part being. In your mind, you imagine something and it begins to take physical form.  The longer you image it, and the more of you who image it, the more physical that form becomes, until the increasing energy you have given it literally bursts into light, flashing an image of itself into your reality.

You then see the image and decide what it is.  This is the process of your life.  You are applying it every day.  This is what is happening.  The only question is whether you apply it consciously or unconsciously, whether you are the effect of the process or you are the cause of the process.  In everything, be the cause.

Children understand this perfectly.  Ask a child why they are doing something and they reply, “just because”.  That is the only reason to do anything.  Be the cause of each of your experiences.  Consciously cause each of your experiences to be of your making of your creation.  By being the cause of each experience, with conscious thought, you choose your path.  Compare that to not being the cause of each experience. Unconsciously you choose your path by chance. Either way you are choosing. Choose consciously and you speed your way on your path. Choose unconsciously and you slow your way on your path.  Choose!  Just be the cause!

Natural law requires the body, mind, and soul to be united in thought, word, and action for the process of creation to work.  Remember this: the soul creates, the mind reacts.  It is obvious that the perfect creative situation is to really, really want something that you truly believe is possible.

Everything is a creation.  It must be, as God says, or there would be duplication and nothing is duplication or it would not be a creation.  It is a creation, or it cannot be.  Everything is a creation.

It is known that no two snowflakes are the same.  Many have heard this and believed it to be true but have not given it much thought.  Consider that every raindrop is a new creation different from every other raindrop in a rainfall.  Consider that every raindrop is also different than every raindrop that has ever fallen.  That is hard to comprehend just as it is hard to comprehend how each snowflake can be different than every other snowflake.

Consider that each blade of grass on earth is different than all the others and that each is also a new creation.  Each leaf on all the trees on earth is different, each a creation.  Each granule of earth is different, each a creation.  This is true for everything, not just on earth but everywhere. 

One million skin cells of your body are replaced every hour, and no skin cell is the same as any skin cell ever created in the universe.  Something greater than me, greater than us, is handling these creations to insure each is a new creation.

That someone, or something, is a creator.  Notice I said is a creator and I did not say is the creator.  Yes, God is the creator.  But God is not the only creator.  I am a creator.  You are a creator.  God created me to be a creator.  God created you to be a creator.  God desires to experience the act of creation through me, through you, through every body.

God gave us free will to choose our beliefs. We can believe we are creators or we can choose not to believe it.  We can believe it is our truth to think we are creators or we can believe it is our truth that we are not creators.  We have these choices because we were given free will.  We choose but truth remains the same.

But what if we found evidence that our earlier choice about this truth was not truth at all?  Free will would allow us to choose again.  Would we choose the truth or would we choose to stay with what our truth was before?  We have free will to choose.  We also have free will to choose again.

Remember reading earlier about God, the creator, being in each of us.  When you create something, God experiences your creating that something.  By experiencing your creation, God knows that experience, intimately, at the same time you do, and thereby continues to know all.  Because God is in you, even at the cellular level, you cannot create without God also creating whatever it is you are creating.  Some call it co-creating.  In this way, God also created that something and therefore continues to create all.

I realize that it is quite a stretch to think of yourself as a creator.  That is, until you realize, understand, know, you’ve been a creator all your life.  The difference is that you now know it in your mind which is the only part of you that didn’t know this all along.  The body and the soul knew and now the all of you knows.  You have changed only because your mind has changed, a change, by the way, which you created.

Some say that it’s not really a creation if what one creates is too small and insignificant.  It has to be something more substantive in order to rise to the level of creation.

To this I would reply, how small, and insignificant, was that cell which was the second cell of the creation of your body?  Without that first cell, and without that first cell creating a second cell, you would not be.  None of us would be.  And yet you, the you that at that moment was your mind, your soul and your one cell body, created that second cell.  So, with that in mind, did you create you?  And yet you deny that you are a creator while your body goes on creating new cells every moment.

Put your body under stress and you put God under stress.  As you experience stress God also experiences that stress.  Remove the stress you are experiencing and you remove the stress God is experiencing.  You’ll appreciate it and so will God. 

God created everything.  If there is a thing, then that thing had to be created or it wouldn’t be a thing at all.  We often think of things God created as things we can see, such as the earth, trees, grass, insects, birds, ants, animals, lakes, rivers, flowers, butterfly’s, air, water and rock.  Then we have what God created beyond what is on our earth such as the stars, sun, moon, planets and the rest of the universe.  But what about the things we cannot see such as smell, taste and sound.  These things also had to be created by God or they would not be, either.  Simply by their being, they had to be created to exist.

Then we have the somewhat unexpected.  What about thoughts and feelings?  Were thoughts and feelings also created by God or by us?  If they exist, and if they came to you, they had to come from somewhere.  Do you doubt that thoughts and feelings exist?

My experiences produced my desires.  Experiences create all desires.  Notice that, in that sentence, Experiences create .  .  .’, that even the experiences, that I create, create.  I am a creation machine!  My experiences were exactly perfect for me to get to exactly where I am today, therefore, the desires I now have are perfect for me today.  Ditto for you!

That’s why movies can be such negative influences on a human’s life.  The observer observes what he or she experiences as real versus that it is simply acting as if.  It’s interesting that actors are paid to provide a distortion of the here and now.  And yet the best way for us to achieve a goal is to act as if it is here and now.  To create in my life I must pretend as if, or act as if, it is already here and now.  If I truly believe, with feeling, that it is already here and now, it is.  We have had this example in front of us all these years, since people starting pretending or acting as if.

As you achieve more your ability to reach for more expands.  The value in recognizing emotions and then consciously offering thoughts to deliberately produce better feeling emotions is truly what deliberate creation is.

What is deliberately producing better feeling emotions?  What is an emotion?  Emotion is energy in motion.  How does one put energy in motion? 

The energy we take in and the energy we give back, which is all of life itself, is simply moved around in what we call life.  It is life.  It is part of our life or we have no life.  By breathing more, we can generate more energy of life and change our lives in the process. 

By adding energy to our feelings or creating emotions we change our next moment and thereby change our life.  We can build stronger emotions, thereby building stronger life energy, and create some high energy in our lives. 

What will change in my life if I agree to consciously change all of my angry emotions into better feeling emotions?  I will deliberately produce better feeling emotions.

An emotion is a feeling experienced.  A feeling is sent from the soul to the body where it is experienced.  In that moment, you experience it for the first time.  After that moment has been experienced, the experience is sent to the mind where it is stored, where it attracts like experiences, and where it can be recalled. 

Now that I know what I now know, I can take that feeling, that emotion, and change it to a better feeling emotion.  When I do this consciously, I deliberately create a better experience and then store this improved feeling, emotion, experience, in the mind and allow it to attract better feeling experiences for me.  It contains a better feeling, a stronger feeling, than the previous experience, and therefore attracts improved experiences to me.

The experience contains the feeling that was present in the moment of the experience.  That feeling could have been a bad feeling or a good feeling, but it was an experienced feeling in that moment.  When the experience is recalled the feeling again surfaces along with the other members of the experience.  Deliberately changing the feeling to a better feeling emotion is deliberate creation.  You are deliberately creating a better life for yourself.  You are deliberately creating better energy in your life.  Living a higher energy life allows you to give a higher energy life to others.  Deliberately improving your life deliberately improves other lives as well.

I want to deliberately create a better feeling emotional life for myself, but I also want to hang on to the past which has served me during all those years of being right.  Being right is important to me.  I have a strong need to be right!  What if my entire life has been wrong?  What if all of our lives have been wrong?  Would it be so bad to admit that if that is all it took to start the world on the path to world peace.

I lose if I continue to be right.  So does the world, as each of us is oneness with it.

As humans, we create many things using the energies we are.  Humans created the house you live in, the meals you eat, the clothes you wear.  They used the energy of their minds, their bodies, and tools, which they also created.  Humans created the car you drive or the bus or train you ride.  Humans created the TV you watch, the wrist watch, the phone and so many other things too numerous to list here.

Only a small percentage of humans have created matter.  To create matter one must use the mind, body and soul together, in unity and oneness.  Most of us do not know how to do that and therefore don’t even try.  To create matter, you must have a clear picture in ‘mind’ of what you are creating.  Your mind must be clear of any doubt that you can do this.  You must believe this in you to the point you have a knowingness inside you, your body, that you can do this.  This knowingness is a feeling experienced in your body.  This knowingness is a feeling sent by your soul.  The soul knows.  The soul also does the creating, when you are successful in your creation, which is at the moment you allow it.

There is no future, until you create it, in the moment, and then it is no longer the future.  There is only possibility.

Psychologically, you will find it much easier to ‘add onto’ than to create out of thin air.

All events in your life are created by you unconsciously.

You are being with God! It is impossible to not be, so why consider it, but instead, allow it, since it is natural.  You have God’s help in all you do.  God can create without you but you cannot create without God as God is in you.  To create with God, choose to.

No two snowflakes are the same because it is impossible for them to be.  Creation is not duplication.  Having two snowflakes the same would mean there was duplication and that cannot be.  Each snowflake is a creation.  No two persons, thoughts or relationships are alike.  Everything in the universe exists in singular form.

With focused thought for seventeen seconds a second matching vibration becomes activated.  By doing this deliberately I am creating that second vibration.  Following that, if I stay on focus for sixty eight seconds or more I create vibration powerful enough to start manifestation.  I cannot think about the results of my focused thought as that would halt the manifestation process.  I must focus on my feelings and let them lead the way.

It becomes obvious that the perfect creative situation is to really, really want something that you truly believe is possible.

You may attempt to create something but are unable to do so. Your desire may have too great of a dramatic vibrational difference to be attracted or delivered to you.  You cannot attract desires of a dramatic different vibration.  To move up the vibrational scale, be consciously aware of the way you feel.  The feeling tells you which way you are moving on the scale.  Moving up the scale produces a good feeling.  Moving down the scale does not produce a good feeling.  The more in vibrational harmony you are with who you really are, the better you feel.

Vibrational activation occurs within you.  How?  All that we can attract must be attracted through our experiences.  That’s how attraction works.  The vibrational activation occurs when we are preparing to experience an experience.  We can call in a high energy feeling to accompany the experience so that the experience goes into the mind and attracts to us at a high level of attraction.  Because the vibrational level of energy is activated in the current experience one can say the vibrational activation occurs within you.

The tools of creation are:
ThoughtAttracted from the mind
WordThe spoken word. Speak and it shall be done onto you.
DeedThe action you take

Think.  Speak.  Do. 

This must include belief, knowing, a gut level clarity, a total certainty, a complete acceptance as reality of something, a come from a place of knowing, an intense and incredible gratitude, thankfulness in advance, taking for granted not just condoned but encouraged.  This is a sure sign of mastery.  All masters know in advance that the deed has been done.

Be wisdom, and you will have it.

You must find ways of holding yourself consistently in vibrational harmony with your desires in order to receive their manifestation.  When you consciously become aligned with the well-being flow, your creative endeavors become so much more satisfying, for then there is nothing you cannot achieve.  It flows, if you resist it or not.

You were created in the image and likeness of God.

God is the creator.

You are three things in one: mind, body, soul.

The creation process proceeds from these three parts of your being.  You create at three levels.  Your creative tools are: thought, word and deed.

Three levels of creation:

What you think of creates at one level.

What you think of and speak creates at another level.

What you think of, speak and do is made manifest in your reality.

The process of creation must include strong belief, absolute faith, knowing of a certainty, a gut level clarity and complete acceptance as reality.

This place is thankfulness in advance with an intense and incredible gratitude. Taking for granted is encouraged as all masters know in advance that the deed has been done.

Be joyful for all you create. Own it. Be thankful for it. Bless it.