12. Your Body’s Consciousness

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

This article encourages you to undergo a shift in consciousness concerning your body.  Pay attention as you embrace this shift, as it will set you on the path to becoming an instrument of peace.

While I immersed myself in computer software and delved into the intricacies of microprocessors, I was captivated by the world of bits and bytes.  My fascination with these 0’s and 1’s became a significant part of my life.  Little did I know that I would eventually turn my attention to my own body with a similar degree of scrutiny, exploring the trillions of cells within me, each equipped with sensors that play crucial roles in my existence.  Just as every 0 or 1 has a vital function in every computer, iPad, and cell phone, each individual cell carries out important tasks within our bodies.  My journey into this subject, often referred to as deep thinking, led me to a profound understanding of the human body’s remarkable nature.

The human body is a wondrously magnificent creation.

Are you aware that each and every cell in your body has its own consciousness? Every one of the more than 55 trillion cells that make up my body is a point of consciousness.  Consciousness, according to one dictionary, means the state of being conscious, awareness of one’s own existence, sensations, thoughts and surroundings, full activity of the mind and senses.

By introducing the idea that every cell has its own consciousness, I encourage readers to view their bodies from a different perspective, implying that understanding this aspect of the body is crucial for personal growth and transformation.

This sets the stage for a deeper exploration of the body’s consciousness and its role in the journey toward inner peace and becoming an instrument of peace. It signifies a shift from conventional thinking about the body toward a more holistic and interconnected view.