Your Owned Feelings

Revised: Nov 23, 2023

A feeling, once delivered and experienced by you, belongs solely to you. It is yours and only yours.   You own it!  Every feeling delivered to you is uniquely your own and you have full ownership of it.  Feelings delivered by one’s soul are personal, body-specific, and completely individual.

Each feeling is unique and is meant exclusively for the recipient.  It is an essential part of the recipient’s life journey.  You, the you that is your soul, body and mind, are responsible for the feeling because you created it.

Once a feeling is present in your body, where you experience it, you become capable of responding to it.  In simpler terms, you gain the ability to respond to that feeling.  Experiencing a feeling allows you to intimately understand it, to really know it.  But it remains something known only to you.

When others respond to your feelings, they are not responding to the feelings but are responding to your reaction to your feelings.  You and only you know the feelings.  Others do not know your feelings.  Others only know your reaction.

Your soul plays a significant role in your life, provided you choose to allow it.  You possess free will to decide how to respond to the feelings your soul sends your way.  You can choose to ignore these feelings, living your life by chance, or acknowledge them, allowing them to guide you along a path that leads to higher understanding and fulfillment.  In either case, you are making a choice.  Ignoring one’s feelings is living life by chance, while acknowledging and acting upon them is living life by choice.

Much study and research has been done to look deep inside the body to better understand it.  Much study and research has also been done to look deep inside the mind to better understand it.  It’s time we looked deeper into our soul.

Each person’s feelings are unique to their path and have no connection to anyone else’s journey.  Moreover, individuals cannot truly experience or understand the feelings of others because feelings recalled from memory are based on past personal experiences and are not identical to the feelings directly delivered by the soul.

Your soul communicates with you through feelings, guiding you along your unique life path. Each feeling is a personal message meant exclusively for you. It is not influenced by or related to anyone else’s path.  No one else can influence your life path either.

You also cannot experience someone else’s feelings.  In your mind, you may think you know someone else’s feelings.  You can do this by having your mind recall how you felt in a similar situation.  This is a reaction on your part.  You are reacting the same way as when you first experienced your feeling.  You therefore think you know someone else’s feelings.  You can’t know it because their feeling is delivered by their soul and yours is recalled from your mind.  Feelings recalled from the mind are feelings experienced earlier.

It’s crucial to recognize that you cannot truly experience someone else’s feelings.  While you may believe you understand their feelings by recalling similar experiences from your own life, this is a reaction based on your own past experiences.  Your mind is drawing on your own feelings to interpret someone else’s, but it remains a reflection of your experiences, not an accurate understanding of their emotions.

One of the fundamental desires in life is to find purpose.  When you connect with your soul, you discover your life plan and, in turn, your purpose in life. Your soul holds the blueprint for your unique journey, and as you become attuned to its guidance, you will find a profound sense of purpose and fulfillment in your life.